Now, is anyone truly surprised??????
Now, is anyone truly surprised??????
The sofa looks worn and tacky for a swank club charging $200,000 a year membership.
Now, is anyone truly surprised??????
he placed a scale model inside the Oval Office
Now, is anyone truly surprised??????
What is surprising is that you still need to talk about trump.
The sofa looks worn and tacky for a swank club charging $200,000 a year membership.
He is the comedic "gift" that keeps on giving.......lmao
It seems childish to continue harassing him and somewhat detached from reality. Is he all you think about?
It just seems like yesterday when you spent day after day telling us what the Obamas and Clintons stole from the WH. Of course it was all bullshit from the beginning.
When did i do this? This seems like more detachment.
Its hard to remember all of your bullshit when you spew it every single day.
Let the cretin have all of it.
Just keep him exiled in his tacky golf resort.
The sofa looks worn and tacky for a swank club charging $200,000 a year membership.
That's it? He took a model of Air Force 1 with him that he got from somewhere? Come on, you can do better. The Clinton's took the silverware, furniture, and who-knows-what-else when they left. They were (and are) professional thieves / criminals. Trump's a rank amateur if all he took was a model airplane he got from say, Boeing...
The sofa looks worn and tacky for a swank club charging $200,000 a year membership.