Truth Detector (aka Poopiehead) can't find his big boy pants.

Poor Richard Saunders

Well-known member
It seems Truth Detector can't handle anything outside of his childish sand box. He asked people to put on their big boy pants and bet on the outcome of the 2020 election with basically a nothing bet. I proceeded to up the bet to something substantial. Rather than taking my bet, he accused me of not being serious and has now banned me from his thread. When he started the thread, he claimed there would be no bans. Not only is he a poopiehead but he is a dishonest poopiehead as well.

So, Truth Detector. Why won't you take my bet? I gave you the weekend to think it over. It seems you came to your conclusion. You don't have any big boy pants. I wonder if you have any pants at all. It certainly seems you don't. Y

I won't ban you because I have big boy pants that I wear every day.

On your thread you offered to make this bet before refusing mine for $1000.

Let's make it $150 and have a moderator be the middle man; AND, you still have to include that you are a moron in your signature.
Since I can't accept your bet on your thread any more. I will accept it here, poopiehead.
I hereby accept your bet for $150. The only modification I have is you have to call yourself a poopiehead instead of a moron in your signature.
Modern society is so amazing. There is this little thing called paypal.

An anonymous email will allow for payment without having to reveal your identity.
Truth Deflector is a pest! I wish he would just fly away!

Comparing him to an awesome bird is a bit of a travesty though. He's more like a cockroach.

You just can't stay away from these pitiful insult threads, can you? Of course, you are just a passenger in the clown car and can't think for yourself.