Truth Will Out


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There is no doubt that the WHO speaks for the United Nations, but:

I cannot count the times Common Core’s defenders objected whenever I married the United Nations to Common Core. Regardless of the proofs I posted, my opposites swore to high heaven that the United Nations had nothing to do with the so-called education standards CC imposes on American children and their parents. Their best argument was that each one of our states writes their own rules. Presidential wannabe Kasich made that claim:

John Kasich's Common Core lie
By Jason Russell | May 2, 2015 | 5:00 am

Nothing is further from the truth. The philosophy driving Common Core originated in the bowels of the United Nations before it was written and forced on the states by the federal government. CC would have gone nowhere without the U.N.’s political muscle needed to ram Common Core down the throats of the American people. These excerpts from Leo Hohmann’s great piece obliterates any defense Common Core supporters offer:

Bottom line: The federal government has no constitutional authority to educate children or anyone else, let alone dictate curricula. Not only does the ED control education with income tax dollars, somewhere along the line the United Nations acquired constitutional authority to dumb down America’s children:

I had Kasich pegged for a two-faced Democrat when he was in the House of Representative. He was never a “conservative darling.” At best he was a watered-down establishment Republican.

John Kasich’s journey from conservative darling to Democratic convention speaker
by W. James Antle III
August 18, 2020 06:30 AM