Truths About Healthcare


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America needs single-payer health care, say progressives. That’s a system where government pays doctors and hospitals, and no sick person has to worry about having enough money to pay for care. After all, they say, “Health care is a ‘right!’ ”

“Who pays for it?” asks Chris Pope, “And that’s really not a rights question.”

Pope studies health care systems for the Manhattan Institute. In my newest video, Pope explains that although many Americans think that Canada and most of Europe have single-payer systems, that’s not really true.

“In Germany, employers provide most of the health care ... just as they do in the United States,” he says. France and Switzerland also offer multiple options, public and private, and most people buy private health insurance. Some of the Swiss government subsidies are similar to those of Obamacare.

But Canada, England, Norway, Cuba and a few other countries do have genuine single-payer. I’m constantly told that it works well – people get good care and never have to worry about a bill. They spend less on health care and live longer.

Pope says that claim is naive.

They do live longer in many of those countries, but it’s not because they get superior health care; it’s because fewer of them are fat; fewer crash cars; and they shoot each other less often. “Take out (obesity), car accidents and gun violence, the difference in life expectancy disappears entirely,” Pope says.
Other factors like those listed in the article will not be a considered by lefties. All roads lead to free healthcare that other people pay for, and there is nothing that can said that will shake lefties from their quest to get free shit. All statistics and all comments will be interpreted as meaning that the wealth redistribution of free shit must happen.
there is no free healthcare. The left knows that. But we have by far the most expensive in the world while delivering low-quality healthcare to the masses, assuming they have coverage. BlueCross chief just got a raise. He is making 19.5 million bucks this year. How many people's premiums does that take? They are not interested in coverage, but squeezing as much money out of healthcare as is possible. For profit healthcare is what they want. Not healthcare delivery.
Also, government-run systems save money by freeloading off American innovation. American drug companies, funded by American customers, fund most of the world’s research and development of pharmaceuticals. New drugs and devices are expensive, so oftentimes in Britain, says Pope, “whenever a new drug comes on the market that can save lives, the government just doesn’t have the funds to pay for it.”

Patients, accustomed to accepting whatever government hands out, don’t even know about advances available elsewhere.
there is no free healthcare. The left knows that. But we have by far the most expensive in the world while delivering low-quality healthcare to the masses, assuming they have coverage. BlueCross chief just got a raise. He is making 19.5 million bucks this year. How many people's premiums does that take? They are not interested in coverage, but squeezing as much money out of healthcare as is possible. For profit healthcare is what they want. Not healthcare delivery.

America’s “HEALTHCARE” is among the best on earth! Americas HEALTH INSURANCE SUCKS! America’s health insurance sucks because BIG PHARMA & BIG INSURANCE collaborate with duopoly politicians and bribe them through their lobbyist with large campaign donations in exchange for legislation that eliminates competitive forces and bargaining for premium and drug prices. If you’re voting for duopoly candidates, YOU are the problem with America’s HEALTH INSURANCE!!!!!
Single-payer systems also save money by rationing care. Hence the long waiting times for treatments declared “nonessential” in Canada, Britain and, for that matter, at American veterans hospitals. The VA’s problems are similar to what’s happened in Britain’s National Health Service.

“In England,” says Pope, “rarely a week goes by without a crisis or another in the health care system being part of the news. This year, there was a crisis in emergency room care – people left in hallways for hours and hours.”
there is no free healthcare. The left knows that. But we have by far the most expensive in the world while delivering low-quality healthcare to the masses, assuming they have coverage. BlueCross chief just got a raise. He is making 19.5 million bucks this year. How many people's premiums does that take? They are not interested in coverage, but squeezing as much money out of healthcare as is possible. For profit healthcare is what they want. Not healthcare delivery.

Apparently none of the premiums paid by those that don't have coverage funded it since they don't pay premiums.

There's an easy solution to the problem you claim exists and it gets what both of us want. If you aren't willing to pay for coverage for yourself/those to which you have a responsibility or you can't get one of you bleeding hearts to pay it for you, go without. There is no cost shifting to those of us that are responsible, those you believe should get care get it by you paying, and the government isn't involved in destroying the industry.
Critics of U.S. health care say waiting in line is better than getting no care, which is what happens to Americans who cannot afford to pay.

But is that true? Pope points out that America already has “over a trillion dollars a year in public spending, really, to provide health care to people who don’t afford it.” Also, American emergency rooms treat anyone who comes in.

By contrast, single-payer means taxpayers’ funds are spent on everyone – even people who can afford to pay for their own care. That means there’s less left for the truly needy. The affluent often escape government’s waiting lines and treatment limits by buying private health insurance.

In Britain, millions of people purchase private insurance, says Pope.

At least they still have that option.
In America, Sen. Bernie Sanders says gleefully that he wants to put private insurance companies “out of business.”

Hearing that, Pope replied, “makes you wonder whether this is more about spite than it is about improving people’s health.”

All of this doesn’t mean the system in the U.S. should stay as it is.

Government already does too much here. People say America has free-market health care, but we don’t, and we haven’t since World War II. Government and government-subsidized insurance companies currently spend most of America’s health dollars. If politicians here really want to improve things, they should try letting the market function.

Let hospitals compete. Right now, state laws won’t even allow new private hospitals unless a regional board – often made up of people affiliated with already-existing hospitals -- declares a “need” for a new one and it is registered with the American Hospital Association.

Let insurance companies compete for your business. American tax laws push workers to employer-funded coverage. Equalize the tax law and more individuals would pick the coverage best suited for them.

Pope says, “If we move towards a health care system where individuals were more responsible for shopping around ... people would choose a better system.”
America’s “HEALTHCARE” is among the best on earth! Americas HEALTH INSURANCE SUCKS! America’s health insurance sucks because BIG PHARMA & BIG INSURANCE collaborate with duopoly politicians and bribe them through their lobbyist with large campaign donations in exchange for legislation that eliminates competitive forces and bargaining for premium and drug prices. If you’re voting for duopoly candidates, YOU are the problem with America’s HEALTH INSURANCE!!!!!

Our healthcare is among the worst of developed nations. The bottom. The worst judging by international standards from life expectancy to child birth and everything in between. When you are shown the stats, you just say those stats, the whole world agrees to , are flawed. You only accept strange ones that back up your flawed and incorrect premises.
We do not have competitive medicine. We are not given prices and figures that allow us to compare doctors and hospitals.
Universal medicine is better ,cheaper and will serve all the people.
Our healthcare is among the worst of developed nations. The bottom. The worst judging by international standards from life expectancy to child birth and everything in between. When you are shown the stats, you just say those stats, the whole world agrees to , are flawed. You only accept strange ones that back up your flawed and incorrect premises.
We do not have competitive medicine. We are not given prices and figures that allow us to compare doctors and hospitals.
Universal medicine is better ,cheaper and will serve all the people.

Why are you weak you're unwilling to do for yourself?
America needs single-payer health care, say progressives. That’s a system where government pays doctors and hospitals, and no sick person has to worry about having enough money to pay for care. After all, they say, “Health care is a ‘right!’ ”

“Who pays for it?” asks Chris Pope, “And that’s really not a rights question.”

If you end government run health care...medical insurance rates will go up. You might save money in taxes, but you will have the same amount of money in your wallet.
If you end government run health care...medical insurance rates will go up. You might save money in taxes, but you will have the same amount of money in your wallet.

The constitution requires that we end the unconstitutional federal government healthcare programs. There's no constitutional authority for the feds to be involved in a national healthcare program. Ending the federal meddling in our healthcare would eliminate the healthcare insurance and BIG Pharma lobbying and influencing our laws that are providing special legislation that keeps out the competitive capitalist forces of a free market insurance and drug cost and distribution. The cost of both drugs and insurance would go down faced with more competition.

To boot, if the healthcare issue were left to the states, you wouldn't have congress critters from other states, (that you can't vote for), having control over your healthcare, you'd be able vote for every member of your own state legislature, and your Governor. If you're a Single Payer fan, you could lobby them yourself for a single Payer system or if you're not a Single Payer fan DITTO! If you don't like what your state is doing with your healthcare you could vote with your feet and move to another state. With federal control of your healthcare you have none of those votes or choices. You're condemned to a one size fits all!