Truump is SUCH a class act, still bashing a dead man 7 mos after his death


he can't resist trashing someone, anyone, who doesn't toe his line

this as his one-time McCain loving base (in 2008 election vs Obama), absolutely adored the guy

the asshole's base is off the charts wack
If anybody ever told Trump it's no use beating a dead horse, he didn't listen.

He thinks gold and glass give him class.

President Trump doesn't know the meaning of the word.

He wouldn't know class if it was sprinkled on him in a Russian hotel room.

he can't resist trashing someone, anyone, who doesn't toe his line

this as his one-time McCain loving base (in 2008 election vs Obama), absolutely adored the guy

the asshole's base is off the charts wack

You'd think his wife or kids would tell him to stuff that and shut up about McCain.
If anybody ever told Trump it's no use beating a dead horse, he didn't listen.

He thinks gold and glass give him class.

President Trump doesn't know the meaning of the word.

He wouldn't know class if it was sprinkled on him in a Russian hotel room.

I could care less who PEED on Trump or if just watched PROSTITUTES pee on each other or 'defile the bed' that Obama and Michelle slept in. But boy I would love to see the video if it is out there! I want to watch the PARTY of FAMILY VALUES, the BORN AGAINS, the establishment GOP line up to DEFEND him! I wanna watch FOX go into hyperspin.

Oh PLEASE GOD, if it is out there, let us see it!!!


he can't resist trashing someone, anyone, who doesn't toe his line

this as his one-time McCain loving base (in 2008 election vs Obama), absolutely adored the guy

the asshole's base is off the charts wack

It's because the Dead Man in question can't fight back ... it's how Cowards Roll :rofl2:
he can't resist trashing someone, anyone, who doesn't toe his line

Although I do not support Trump dissing the guy and think he's a dumbass for doing it, I am equally disgusted watching morons on the left pretend like they didn't hate the man and now want to place his dead carcas on a pedestal for their irrational and lunatic anti-Trump bashing.

McCain lost several attempts at the Presidency. He decided he didn't like Trump and joined the other side. In today's world, he would never have won re-election.

McCain was more than a mere loser, he also naively believed that one could reason with the lunatics in the Party of the Jackass. You cannot reason with morons.

this as his one-time McCain loving base (in 2008 election vs Obama), absolutely adored the guy

LIE and LAME; but then, you are a liberal and liberals are not only repulsive, but habitual liars.

the asshole's base is off the charts wack

Irony coming from a lunatic whacked out moron like you.