Tucker Carlson Explains Why White People Aren’t ‘Designed’ to Live Around Immigrants

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Thankfully this christian cracka Kulture is no longer the predominate culture in America

Just when you thought the sentient celery stalk who cosplays as a concerned-as-fuck-looking, mediocre, diet white nationalist on Fox News couldn’t get any whiter ...

You should know that there’s no limit to how low Caucasian shenanigans can go. Fox News’ proprietary brand of whiteness is like absolute zero and episodes of Real Housewives—the bottom is only theoretical.

On Tuesday night, the Great Value Eddie Haskell (you’re too young ... Google it) did a segment on a recent National Geographic article about how white people felt “left behind” by America’s changing demographics. The article tries to explain white America’s anxiety about losing its “culture” (which—as far as I can tell—is wholly made up of hacky sack, the most boring versions of church hymns and craft beer) by focusing on the coal town of Hazelton, Pa.
