Tucker Carlson Is a White Nationalist, and Conservatives Are Okay With It

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
On the far right, Peter Brimelow, the founder of the VDare nativist website whom the New York Times has linked to the Fox News host Tucker Carlson, was reported to have greeted news of the draft Roe ruling by writing: “Next stop Brown vs Board!”

That was a reference to Brown v Board of Education, the 1954 case which ended racial segregation in public schools.


Peter Brimelow is a former editor at the conservative National Review (a relatively mainstream publication!) who now runs a white nationalist website called VDare; the site’s tagline is “we inform the fight to keep America American.” Brimelow shared the story about the leak on Gab, per extremism reporter Nick Martin, and seemed excited about the prospect of legal public segregation: “Next stop Brown vs. Board!”
So now Brimelow, and other people who think like him, are openly admitting that not only do they want to end protections for abortion, they want to legalize segregation. Just great.
Carlson, like most of the demagogues on the right, is a pimp, pimping hate and division to make a buck, if tomorrow he found out promoting the Nation of Islam would sell, he’d switch rhetoric quick