Tucker Carlson Takes on the Russiaphobes / Neocons & assorted Warmongers


That will be the result...... I believe he will leave the party that never wanted him in tatters, but hey, he won, thats all he cared about..

I don't love what he has done philosophically, but, I think as a physical entity, the GOP is benefitting from him, if the only thing you value is the win/loss category. He'll push aside all of the traditional conservatives and convert much of the Goldwater/Reagan coalition to his way of running things. Assuming the Dems remain in disarray during this transformation process, it's a winning formula. Being ideologically uncommitted, he can continue to score points if the Dems take Congress in the near future by simply passing their legislation and claiming victories. Many of his supporters who have shown themselves to be loyal to him will just continue to go along with it. I predict a war between him and the Congressmen who are presently not giving him what he wants, which will likely lead to even more control over the GOP for him.
Some good insight, thnx...