Tucker Carlson Taps Toes For Ron Paul


I'm sitting here watching Tucker Carlson extolling the virtue and manliness of Ron Paul on Bill Maher's show. I thought of this group instantly, of course.

He was actually correcting the liberal idiots that orgasm over ron paul by telling them that if they really knew what he stood for they wouldn't like him very much.
He was actually correcting the liberal idiots that orgasm over ron paul by telling them that if they really knew what he stood for they wouldn't like him very much.

But who are these liberal idiots?

It's funny but I don't know any liberals who orgasm over Ron Paul, or who can even stand looking at him.
But who are these liberal idiots?

It's funny but I don't know any liberals who orgasm over Ron Paul, or who can even stand looking at him.

Plenty of liberals support Paul because of his ballsy anti-war stance, which is far and away better than the pussyass Democratic stance of maybe possibly withdrawing by 2013.
One issue liberals are not too common I think....

No, not liberals I know at any rate.

I know of no one who is supporting Ron Paul. I know a couple of libs who are impressed with his anti-war stance, and even one of them who had no idea about any of his other positions who liked him, until she found out what else he is about.

I would never support Ron Paul. Policy effects people, and policy can and does kill people.

This war is not the only thing killing people in this world, nor in this country.
He is the CIC, if he ordered the military to leave, leaving equipment behind, they would follow those orders.

I know that Damo. sheesh....If he....Do you really think he would do that though ?
And yes we sure need to leave weapons and equipment over there for those nutz to use.
I know that Damo. sheesh....If he....Do you really think he would do that though ?
And yes we sure need to leave weapons and equipment over there for those nutz to use.
I don't think that he'd order weapons to be left. I do think he might order some equipment left though. And yes, I think he'd do it.