Tucker Carlson: the more you know!


Shaken, not stirred!
Okay, once you get past the smug, snarky non-informational commentary, this is one devastating piece that deconstructs any "legitimacy" that the MAGA/alt-right/libertarian/tea party/new conservative pundits, sycophants, acolytes and flunkies try to assign Tucker Carlson. I challenge anyone to factually disprove what they put forth here. Set aside some time for this. Enjoy: ;)

Tucker does not hate Trump.

He has a strange way of showing his love.

Tucker has his moody days, and he speaks his mind freely...it is one of the things I like about him.

Ahhhhh, so it was just a lovers' spat, eh?

Niiiiiice. Now that Tucker's show has been picked up by Moscow TV stations I'm sure he'll be back to lovin' Trump like Trump loves Putin.
I do Alexander Mercouris every day which runs about 1:15, I do more than half the Durans which run 20 min to an hour, I do almost all the Judge Naps which run about a half hour and he sometimes does 5 a day....plus all my sailing YouTubes and whatnot....I simply dont have much time for many 2:30 Tuckers....I much preferred his Tucker Carlson Today's which almost all were less than a hour.