Turd Blossom's Legacy


Will work for Scooby snacks
Sounds about right. It might be too early to tell. But, IMO Rove has been a disaster for the GOP.

As for his reputed political genius on the national stage? Where does that myth come from?: In national elections, his record is basically 2-2; he batted .500 at best. And one of the loses was a blowout, in 2006.

ANDREW SULLIVAN: "Rove is one of the worst political strategists in recent times. He took a chance to realign the country and to unite it in a war - and threw it away in a binge of hate-filled niche campaigning, polarization and short-term expediency. His divisive politics and elevation of corrupt mediocrities to every branch of government has turned an entire generation off the conservative label. And rightly so. It will take another generation to recover from the toxins he has injected, with the president's eager approval, into the political culture and into the conservative soul."

I came to this conclusion, myself, after reading "the architect" which was supposed to awe me with Rove's evil genius.

He has never been all that. Yes, he's a amoral, sneaky little fucker, with no problem outing CIA agents.

So what? Like those guys aren't a dime a dozen in Washington, or in the corporate world for that matter.
They really thought that their vote fixing would not be uncovered.

It is the great untold story of this whole attempt by the Rs to take and hold the govermnment for a generation.

They thought they would sew up any route to its discovery which is why they did the Attorney scandal.

They didnt count on the fact that not all Republicans are ready to lie and sell their country out for political power.
They really thought that their vote fixing would not be uncovered.

It is the great untold story of this whole attempt by the Rs to take and hold the govermnment for a generation.

They thought they would sew up any route to its discovery which is why they did the Attorney scandal.

They didnt count on the fact that not all Republicans are ready to lie and sell their country out for political power.
Especially when they don't act like republicans.
Oh they dont care about policy they care about power.

They are a parasite on a party which Used to stand for something