Turn On The Fire Sprinklers


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It took the WALL for President Trump to realize that FOX is not his friend:

Donald J. Trump

Never thought I’d say this but I think @johnrobertsFox and @GillianHTurner @FoxNews have even less understanding of the Wall negotiations than the folks at FAKE NEWS CNN & NBC! Look to final results! Don’t know how my poll numbers are so good, especially up 19% with Hispanics?

5:08 PM - 27 Jan 2019

Trump Goes After Fox News: ‘Even Less Understanding’ of Wall than ‘Fake News CNN and MSNBC’
by Tamar Auber
Jan 27th, 2019, 8:11 pm


If Trump had true conservative values and ideals from the beginning his enemies never would have fooled him.

Remember that FOX gave candidate Donald Trump extraordinary coverage in 2016 because they were certain he would be the easiest pushover for Hillary Clinton. Remember how every network reported that Hillary was way ahead in every poll. The joke is that polls are not news, but they were double-fake news throughout the 2016 campaign. Failing to elect Hillary Clinton is why television’s decision-makers cannot get over her defeat. Their pathetic attempt to elect Hillary Clinton unintentionally caused her defeat.

NOTE: Blaming television is not on Hillary’s long list of reasons for her defeat because it is true.

I did not know much about Gillian Turner before this morning. I learned that she previously worked on the White House National Security Council for George W. Bush and Barack Obama. That was bad enough, but it is her opinion on civil wars in foreign countries that told me she is another FOX liberal:


Test the fire sprinklers for liberals at FOX headquarters and everybody in the building will get soaked. The question is why did Trump stop at FOX’s John Roberts and Gillian Turner?

. . . every network is slanting their reports to keep the borders open. Move the cursor to 28:20 and listen to Andrew Napolitano ignore eminent domain:


FOX gave Democrat Party media mouths a larger conservative audience than did all of the alphabet networks combined long before the Murdoch Boys took over a few years ago.

FOX’s all-out reporting on their manufactured “humanitarian crisis” is newspeak for no borders. “THE CHILDREN” easily justifies FOX’s bias with plausible lies:

1. Fair and Balanced

2. We report you decide.

The second lie is the most effective lie because it is a half-truth. The audience does decide —— but it must decide based on the same ‘news’ reporting techniques the alphabet networks have been using since 1960. That comes to 59 years of television’s lies in the event you need a little help with your math.

I wait with bated breath to hear how FOX reports the negotiations:


Foix gave Trump endless positive coverage because that is what the network was designed to do. It performed it's job and backed the right wing hater. Trump won because his campaign was ridiculous enough that it demanded beginning to end TV coverage by all cable channels. MSNBC and CNN help[ed Daffy get the noteriety he did not deserve. They made him president. Of course Comey's press conference was the last blow to Hillary. She had built up a substantial lead up to that point.
It took the WALL for President Trump to realize that FOX is not his friend:


. . . every network is slanting their reports to keep the borders open. Move the cursor to 28:20 and listen to Andrew Napolitano ignore eminent domain:


I used to think Judge Napolitano was one of the good guys. I even suggested him for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Now I have to admit that I made a big, big, mistake —— an unforgivable mistake because I always distrusted Mitt Romney and John McCain:


Fox News' Judge Napolitano: Mueller report shows Trump obstructed justice
David Knowles
Apr 25th 2019 9:37PM

Before its all over Pence will have a knife in his back too.

To JPF: Trump is not all that swift when it comes to picking his people. Pence was his first mistake. Sad to say he is not too dense for a back-stab when the time is ripe:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Mark Twain

Mike Dense removes all doubt:

“. . . the struggle in Venezuela is between dictatorship and democracy . . .”

Trump’s vice president is so dense he does not know that democracy is the final step before totalitarian government:

To JPF: Trump is not all that swift when it comes to picking his people. Pence was his first mistake. Sad to say he is not too dense for a back-stab when the time is ripe:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Mark Twain

Mike Dense removes all doubt:

“. . . the struggle in Venezuela is between dictatorship and democracy . . .”

Trump’s vice president is so dense he does not know that democracy is the final step before totalitarian government:


“I hire the best people” Donald Trump.
Foix gave Trump endless positive coverage because that is what the network was designed to do. It performed it's job and backed the right wing hater. Trump won because his campaign was ridiculous enough that it demanded beginning to end TV coverage by all cable channels. MSNBC and CNN help[ed Daffy get the noteriety he did not deserve. They made him president. Of course Comey's press conference was the last blow to Hillary. She had built up a substantial lead up to that point.

Gad, Trump NEVER shuts up. He's like a gossipy old woman.

I used to think Judge Napolitano was one of the good guys. I even suggested him for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Now I have to admit that I made a big, big, mistake

There goes the judge:

“Ever since Andrew came to my office to ask that I appoint him to the U.S. Supreme Court, and I said NO, he has been very hostile! Also asked for pardon for his friend. A good ‘pal’ of low ratings Shepard Smith,” he concluded, with a shot at Fox News Channel daytime news anchor.

Trump: Judge Napolitano Asked Me for Supreme Court Appointment
27 Apr 2019

The polling wasn't wrong, its the people that did the opposite of what they told the posters.

The gave false information for whatever reason.

That is a very hard thing to account for when conducting polling.

People said they would vote for Clinton then just stayed home.
People said they would vote for Clinton then just stayed home.

To Spookycolt: Illegal aliens formed caravans and marched to polling locations so they could vote in droves:

Take away her illegal alien votes and she lost the popular vote big time. Note that Los Angeles, California alone was good for a million illegal alien votes.

“We are still collecting data and will be for several months, but our intent is to publish a comprehensive study on the significant impact of illegal voting in all of its many forms and begin a national discussion on how voters, states and the Trump administration can address this growing problem,” she said.

“We put out a statement shortly after the president-elect’s comments came out, and we said that we support the belief that there could, in fact, have been millions of illegally cast votes, and we are doing tremendous amounts of research to try to get to some of those answers.”

Trump may be right about winning popular legal vote
Posted By Bob Unruh On 11/29/2016 @ 8:18 pm


Before its all over Pence will have a knife in his back too.

All that is left is Jared and maybe Ivanka. Trump is on his third try at manning an administration. Trump demands complete loyalty and returns none.He lept over that line with Comey. When he refused to say his loyalty was to Trump and not the president and the justice, Trump pilled out the kitchen hardware and started stabbing him and his life's work in the back.
Pence is a fabulous suckup. He destroyed his integrity from day one. His calculation may have been he would wind up in the Oval Office. That is the only way he could get there. He suspected Trump would be found out and flee or face prosecution.
To JPF: Trump is not all that swift when it comes to picking his people. Pence was his first mistake. Sad to say he is not too dense for a back-stab when the time is ripe:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Mark Twain

Mike Dense removes all doubt:

“. . . the struggle in Venezuela is between dictatorship and democracy . . .”

Trump’s vice president is so dense he does not know that democracy is the final step before totalitarian government:


The truth is finally coming out:

Pence was perfectly suited to be vice president . . . for Mitt Romney.

“K eep your friends close and your enemies closer” is a maxim of realpolitik and other matters where the stakes are high. To be effective in practice, an enemy invited into one’s organization needs to be kept truly close—that is, monitored carefully and always held accountable.

President Donald Trump appointed many NeverTrumpers and other enemies of his agenda—more significantly, enemies of his voters—to influential posts within his administration. In most cases, these appointees were not “kept close”—at least not close enough to prevent them from undermining his policies, his relationship with his political base, and his viability for reelection.

A true standout amid the vipers’ nest of Trump’s enemies who benefited from appointment to his administration is Nikki Haley. As disloyalty goes, she belongs in a class all of her own, enjoying urgings from Bill Kristol to run against Trump in 2020 even as she held office as a Trump appointee.

On the day when arguments concluded in the Democrats’ post-presidency impeachment trial of Trump, Haley was the subject of a fawning feature in the daily bible of the swamp, Politico.

Playing to her audience, Haley said “he’s not going to run for federal office again. I don’t think he’s going to be in the picture.”

Haley pronounced herself “disgusted” by Trump’s treatment of Vice President Pence. “Mike has been nothing but loyal to that man.”

Given a witness as untrustworthy as Haley, the question arises: Just how loyal was Mike Pence, anyway?

Haley collaborated closely with Pence during her tenure as Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations. As head of the transition team staffing the Trump Administration, Pence likely is largely responsible for NeverTrumper Haley gaining the sensitive and high-profile post. An indicator of the tight connection between Pence and Haley is that, in their gubernatorial campaigns in Indiana and South Carolina, they shared the same principal campaign consultant, the young Georgian Nick Ayers.

Before Trump picked him as running mate in 2016, Pence was, like Haley, a consistent neoconservative on foreign policy. He remained a neoconservative as Trump’s 2016 running mate and as vice president.

A Clone of Paul Ryan

As a member of Congress, Pence was never distinguishable in philosophy, rhetoric, or policy from John Boehner or Paul Ryan. As Trump’s running mate both in 2016 and in 2020, Pence resembled Mitt Romney’s 2012 running mate—and Romney himself—more than a fitting understudy to Donald Trump.

In his vice-presidential debate against Tim Kaine in 2016, Pence contradicted Trump’s policies on both Russia and Syria. Trump found it necessary to rebuke Pence over his remarks on Russia.

During the first month of Trump’s presidency, it was Pence who forced Trump’s unjust dismissal of National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, saying that Flynn had misled him. The question remains: did Pence torpedo Flynn with malice aforethought, or was Pence duped as a useful idiot by the get-Flynn lynch mob that had been set into motion by Barack Obama, Joe “Logan Act” Biden, James Comey, and John Brennan? This much is certain: Flynn and Pence were diametrically opposed over foreign policy.

Pence’s demonstrations of treacly piety help disguise the fact that he is a cunning creature of the swamp.

During Trump’s first year in office, when the president indicated he wanted to make good on his promise to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, what did Pence do? He cut short an official overseas trip to team up with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Flynn’s unworthy successor, H.R. McMaster, in pressuring Trump to back down. This was an occasion when Trump was brazenly, publicly humiliated by his own subordinates.

“Why Would Mike Do That?”

In 2018, Trump was reported to be openly questioning Pence’s loyalty. This was when Pence attempted to install, as the vice president’s national security adviser, Nikki Haley’s top aide at the United Nations, while planning to allow this aide to work simultaneously on both Pence’s and Haley’s staff. Trump was informed that this man, Haley’s former pollster Jon Lerner—a man with essentially no background in national security policy or foreign affairs—had been responsible for big-spending anti-Trump ad campaigns in 2016. Trump ordered Pence to halt his plan to hire Lerner. The president was widely quoted on the occasion as having exclaimed, “Why would Mike do that?”

In 2019, Pence was at it again. Pence showed his neocon colors boldly when he took a high-visibility role in promoting the administration’s very un-Trump-like push for a “regime change” operation in Venezuela. Pence and the rest of the neocons are right, of course, that it would be in the United States’ interests for Communist dictator Nicolás Maduro to be removed and replaced by a pro-American leader. But their nonsensical embrace of a young, untested CIA acolyte, Juan Guaidó, was as absurd and feckless as any of the regime change and “nation-building” follies of George W. Bush.

Pence’s failed adventurism with Venezuela was a huge embarrassment to Trump. The president heaped blame on John Bolton for the Venezuela fiasco, but responsibility belonged at a higher level, with Pence.

Tellingly, Pence has landed a sinecure at Conservatism, Inc.’s mothership, the Heritage Foundation. There he will have a comfortable life reading woodenly from talking points unchanged in style or substance from those of the Bush-Cheney Administration. The Heritage platform and a PAC staffed with the usual suspects from the Republican political fundraising class will attempt to keep Pence “in the picture.”

Trump voters should think long and hard before transferring allegiance to Pence. Supporters of President Trump and his policies to get and keep America out of endless wars should retain Mike Pence’s neoconservative record in their memories. They should remember this especially whenever serial liars such as Nikki Haley laud Pence’s “loyalty.

How Loyal Was Mike Pence?
By Carmen Catanzaro
February 16, 2021
