APP - Twitters double standard skirt is showing

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

This is hilarious. So the NY Times hires a devout racist and defends her because you know, only whites can be racist. Asians and blacks cannot be racist. Well, maybe black conservatives can be racist?

Candace Owens copied Sarah Jeong's tweets word for word except she replaced the word WHITE with BLACK. Guess what happened? Candace who is black was suspended by Twitter. Sarah Jeong on the other hand is still posting away and her racist posts remain.

Now, Twitter as a private company is free to have double standards if they want. I just wonder why conservatives even bother with that medium. They should abandon it en masse
How does it feel to literally be Jesus being crucified right now?

That seems like a very big stretch. But, I am very good with where things are heading in this country now. The left is being exposed and that pleases me.

I don't use Twitter or Facebook so I don't have to worry about it. I am just commenting on passing scenes on the day
For one thing Twitter relies on reports. The martyr, Candace Owens, has many more people looking at her profile than my waifu did at the time. Try posting something like "men are scum" on facebook and seeing what happens. Unfortunately in that case you will not be able to get the martyrdom you seek from this oppressive society.