Two Democrat's Party Narratives and why they fail


Let's go Brandon!
Narrative 1: Republicans are racists, sexists, misogynist, homophobes, xenophobes, etc.

Fact: Every registered Republican I know is also a small L libertarian, and we don't care where your ancestry is from, if your a man or a woman, who you sleep with.

Narrative 2: Republicans want all drug abusers to rot in jail and that's whayt they don't want to legalize marijuana.

Fact: Every registered Republican I know is also a small L libertarian, and we don't care if you blow your brains out on drugs, as long as you do it in your own home and expect us to pick up the pieces of your shitty self-induced failures.
Say all, every and none, you are very likely making a false statement. Hyperbole drives thinking people away.
Truth is all Republicans are not racists and haters. But nearly all racists are Republicans. There is no home in the Democratic party for them. It does not support what they want to be done.