Two, Four, Six, Eight Does Not Satiate


Verified User
Parasitism is the only pandemic I fear.

Remember that stopping the spread of the so-called coronavirus pandemic started out at 8.5 BILLION dollars. In no time at all the conspirators jumped to 1 trillion dollars. When I blinked the parasites jacked it up to 2 trillion tax dollars. In short: Parasites are never satisfied. Tax dollars feeding medical industry parasites will never stop growing after the scam becomes an untouchable entitlement:

Breaking Overnight: Senate Reaches Deal for Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act…
Posted on March 25, 2020
by sundance

Vomit Schumer is laughing not crying:

Schumer Cries 'Uncle': Deal Reached on $2 Trillion Package to Pay for Our 'Strange New Reality'
By Paula Bolyard
March 25, 2020

Schumer and Diarrhea Mouth got what they they were after from the start:

Pelosi Calls for No ‘Poison Pills’ in Coronavirus Relief Package
by Trent Baker
24 Mar 2020

The filthy hag knows damn well that socialized medicine is the poison pill. The question is: What does Ol’ Yellow Stain consider a poison pill? HINT: It ain’t environmental garbage:

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I canceled the deal last night. I said I'm not going to sign the deal because Nancy Pelosi came in and put a lot of things in the deal that had nothing to do with the workers, that had to do with an agenda that they been trying to get past for 10 years. And I came in I told Mike, I told a lot of people there's no way I'm signing that deal. I was getting calls from John Kennedy, from Ben Sasse, from many, many people, Lindsay, I was getting calls from a lot of different people saying this deal--Tom Cotton, this deal is terrible what they've done.

They took a deal--you know, we almost had a deal the day before and it was between Schumer and Mitch and it was really a good, solid deal. All of a sudden, they start throwing all of the little green new deal stuff in, right? In the board rooms, what they look like, and we want green energy, we want all this stuff, let's stop drilling oil. They had things in there that were terrible. Windmills all over the place and all sorts of credits for windmills to kill the birds and ruin the real estate, right? A lot of problems. I mean, a lot of problems. And I said I'm not signing this deal.

Trump: "No Way I'm Signing" Pelosi's Coronavirus Plan With "Green New Deal" In It
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date March 24, 2020

You can bet your ass Trump will sign the bill now that socialized medicine is being sold as unemployment benefits for workers in small businesses. Naturally, Republican and Democrat scum in Congress will toss a few billion tax dollars to workers ordered to stay home —— knowing the benefits will end after they return to work in a month or two. Scum in the House and Senate also know that TRILLIONS will go to medical industry parasites ad infinitum, as well enrich Wall Street sharpshooters trading medical industry stocks.

Finally, Trump is a goddamned lying coward. Unfortunately for the American people their president is a stupid man who does not realize he will sign socialized medicine into law. In all things stupid people pay for their dumbness. Trump does not get absolution for the sin of ignorance because he is president. Freedom-loving Americans will end up despising him before election day more than they despise Socialism/Communism.

You can bet your ass Trump will sign the bill now that socialized medicine is being sold as unemployment benefits for workers in small businesses.

No kidding!

President Donald Trump has repeatedly said he would immediately sign the bill once it landed on his desk.

Trump is going to sign a bill that only benefits parasite cities and states at the expense of Americans living in the other 40 or so states.

The measure passed with a unanimous vote of 96-0 and has a price tag of $2.2 trillion.

Senate Unanimously Passes Bipartisan Wuhan Coronavirus Relief Package
Beth Baumann
Posted: Mar 25, 2020 11:50 PM

Four senators did not vote. No matter. A unanimous vote was a foregone conclusion despite all of the newspeak media has been laying down.

This warning should be chiseled in cement above every entrance to the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate:
Couldn't sleep, huh?

We'll get through this. Even Trump and the idiots he has at the helm cannot fuck things up enough to end our Republic.

At least...I hope they can't.
Couldn't sleep, huh?

We'll get through this. Even Trump and the idiots he has at the helm cannot fuck things up enough to end our Republic.

At least...I hope they can't.

Frank you are the most polarized old bastard I have ever seen, if the Republicans found the cure for every cancer you would find something to bitch about.
Frank you are the most polarized old bastard I have ever seen, if the Republicans found the cure for every cancer you would find something to bitch about.

There was a time when I defended the Republican Party in letters-to-the-editor...and some early postings on the Internet. There was a time (before Reagan...A GUY I VOTED FOR) when the Republican Party served this nation well...mostly as the loyal opposition.

Fact is, though, since Reagan (A VOTE I CAME TO SORELY REGRET), they have become so opposed to government...they are incapable of leading decent governance. We'd be better off with anarchy than with what Republicans try to pass off as governance.

In any case, if the Republican Party ever found the cure for cancer...I would applaud them for it. In fact, if they learned enough to come in out of the rain, I'd probably applaud that.

But fat chance of either happening. They are the party of IGNORANCE.
There was a time when I defended the Republican Party in letters-to-the-editor...and some early postings on the Internet. There was a time (before Reagan...A GUY I VOTED FOR) when the Republican Party served this nation well...mostly as the loyal opposition.

Fact is, though, since Reagan (A VOTE I CAME TO SORELY REGRET), they have become so opposed to government...they are incapable of leading decent governance. We'd be better off with anarchy than with what Republicans try to pass off as governance.

In any case, if the Republican Party ever found the cure for cancer...I would applaud them for it. In fact, if they learned enough to come in out of the rain, I'd probably applaud that.

But fat chance of either happening. They are the party of IGNORANCE.

Where as you support the party of Robin Hood and give away, to enslave people in a welfare morass, that for most there is no escaping from. Got it. Stay safe old bastards like us don't want to get covid 19.
We'll get through this. Even Trump and the idiots he has at the helm cannot fuck things up enough to end our Republic.

To Frank Apisa: Trump is no bargain, but the Democrat Party’s abortion pandemic kills more babies every day than coronavirus kills in a year:

Clinton and Obama holdovers are more of a threat than Trump & Company:

Medical industry parasites are raising the flag over tax dollars —— not because they defeated the coronavirus:

At least...I hope they can't.

To Frank Apisa: Television mouths can do it without braking a sweat:

Notice that Carlson shows a doctor in his green uniform in order to give the coronavirus scam creditability:


And why would anybody believe any doctor hustling trillions of tax dollars for socialized medicine?

Medical industry parasites are raising the flag over tax dollars —— not because they defeated the coronavirus:

Here is FOX’s resident doctor from the same show as the Jolly Green Giant:
