Two New Homes Built in New Orleans


Villified User
Two New Homes Built in New Orleans

Associated Press Writer
U.S. Video

NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Two residents got the keys Thursday to what are believed to be the first homes built in the Lower Ninth Ward since Hurricane Katrina hit 18 months ago, and officials hope the houses - elevated against floodwaters and designed to withstand 160 mph winds - will help spark a revival in the devastated neighborhood.

A community group called ACORN Housing lined up financing for the two houses, valued at about $125,000 each, and the homeowners will have to repay the organization, perhaps through the insurance proceeds on their destroyed houses.
I watched an interesting story on that. Part of the problem are the absent owners, those homes have to go through a lengthy process before they can be torn down and rebuilt/resold to somebody who wants to live there. Since there are so many it is taking far longer for the city to get'r done...
For the city to get er done ? This seemed to be a private type of venture. Got tired of waiting on the various levels of gummit I suppose.
For the city to get er done ? This seemed to be a private type of venture. Got tired of waiting on the various levels of gummit I suppose.
They also did it with people who returned. They could not just take out homes without following the process as somebody currently owns most of those wrecked homes. First they have to declare them hazards, then the city has to post on each home that they are going to be destroyed, etc. It takes time but it is supposed to protect the current owners from simply losing their property. Since there are so many it will take years for them to get through the process at the current rate.
Looks like Chernoble here guys

while thats a good story and so is Habbitat.
It's spitting in the Ocean.