APP - Two reasons why Team Gropin Joe won't answer Supreme Court questions

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It has almost become comical that Team Gropin Joe "will you dance for me" Biden won't answer the question about eliminating the filibuster and packing the court. First of all, as President he has ZERO say about eliminating the filibuster. He can have an opinion, but the Senate makes its own rules.

Reason 1 for not answering the question is simple. It makes the democrat party look petulant and churlish. Whenever they don't get their way they stomp their feet and want to change the rules. They were the kinds of gerrymandering until the GOP figured out the game. Then gerrymandering was bad.

Reason 2 is that in order to pack the court they would have to keep the House and take back the Senate, neither of which is an electoral certainty. If they come out in favor of eliminating the filibuster AND expanding the number of Supreme Court Justices, what do democrats do if the GOP wins the House, Presidency and keeps the Senate? All of a sudden the Turtle can talk about adding six more Supreme Court Justices and what would the democrats say to oppose it?