Two weeks in, Obamacare website still broken


The Obamacare enrollment website remains badly broken despite two weeks of intensive round-the-clock efforts at repairs. HHS isn’t making any predictions about how long it will take to fix it — or rebuild it. But advocates, lobbyists and industry officials are talking about it as a months-long repair effort.

How many months is an open question — and one with big consequences for the massive effort to enroll 7 million people in the new insurance exchanges and millions more in Medicaid by the end of March. People trying to switch from their current insurance into subsidized exchange plans could also face gaps.

A two-month delay, for instance, would be a different scenario than five or six months, particularly since people can face penalties if they don’t apply by mid-February.
In the meantime, few people can get through the enrollment process online. According to some analysts like Millward Brown Digital, thousands of consumers have stopped trying, at least for now.

At a summit of health care advocacy groups at the Newseum on Tuesday, the audience was asked how many had successfully made it through even far enough to browse the selection of health plans. Only two out of about 70 people raised their hands.

The administration hasn’t said much about the nature of the technical problems. Officials initially described them as the kind of “glitches” that inevitably occur in a tech launch, and attributed them to the high interest in new health coverage options that drove unexpectedly high traffic to

They aren’t blaming “glitches” and “traffic” anymore. In fact, they haven’t said much at all in the past few days, while a string of leaked emails, memos and reports describe deeper hardware and software malfunctions. Today, again, featured a “No comment” from the administration.

The website itself talks about a crush of media questions — but doesn’t post any answers. People trying to sign on get a variety of error messages — including one that says fixes are expected “within 24 hours.”

President Barack Obama has gotten surprisingly few questions about the enrollment problems as the country — and Republican critics of the health law — focused on the government shutdown and the debt ceiling battle. Obama did say in a Tuesday interview with KCCI-TV, “The website that was supposed to do this all in a seamless way has had way more glitches than I think are acceptable.”

A few Democrats are also calling for repairs to speed up. Rep. Sander Levin, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee, told POLITICO, “Clearly, there are problems that need to be fixed and they’re under way but it has to be accelerated.” has been taken down several times for maintenance, and officials describe a 24/7 push to revamp the system. The specific cause or causes of the problem is still a mystery to everyone but a tight circle of administration officials and contractors — if even they have figured it all out.

Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini said earlier in the week on CNBC that the system was developed so late that standard rounds of functionality testing are “happening on the fly.” And he warned of potential breakdowns in other parts of the system once the early problems are unraveled.

“There’s so much wrong, you just don’t know what’s broken until you get a lot more of it fixed,” he said. Bertolini predicted it could take three years to repair, but others in the health care industry are talking about a far shorter time frame, although they don’t want to be quoted by name even talking about “months” while HHS is being mum.

Web brokers that signed agreements with the administration to offer subsidized Obamacare plans on their websites have been unable to connect to the federal system. Federal health officials say they’re working to bring the e-brokers in, but the brokers say communication has been virtually nonexistent.

“[Fixing] is obviously a priority over getting their interface ready to go, but the Web brokers — like other stakeholders — aren’t really getting any info from HHS either,” said Venable attorney Chris Condeluci, who’s working with Web brokers.

Facing such intense opposition from congressional Republicans, the administration was in a bunker mentality as it built the enrollment system, one former administration official said. Officials feared that if they called on outsiders to help with the technical details of how to run a commerce website, those companies could be subpoenaed by Hill Republicans, the former aide said. So the task fell to trusted campaign tech experts.

Even as early as 2010, was bug-ridden, a harbinger of problems to come. But few read the tea leaves because the site had a small fraction of the traffic it would get in October 2013.

“The wheels were practically coming off the wagon at that point, which should have been a clue that anything more than this — a nicely branded site with a lot of information and not much interactivity — was going to be impossible,” the former official said.

Lobbyists and health industry stakeholders are increasingly vocal about the meltdown, many of the states running their own enrollment system are faring better than the federal operation and the Obama administration’s cheerleaders aren’t waving their pom-poms so vigorously for now. Even some liberal commentators and White House allies who seemed willing to give the administration a long leash have been dismayed by reports of poorly written code, malfunctioning hardware and downright mismanagement.


They feared that outsiders would be willing to testify before Congress and would tell the truth, while employees of HHS could be depended on to withstand questions from Republicans without revealing what really was going on?
Where is Desh?

Shouldn't she be threadbombing with off-topic election cheating posts?

God forbid anyone should see how Obamas administration fucked up the launch of her Messiahs ultimate masterpiece.

*sigh* With that money I could build them a site that would blow their minds.
They aren’t blaming “glitches” and “traffic” anymore. In fact, they haven’t said much at all in the past few days, while a string of leaked emails, memos and reports describe deeper hardware and software malfunctions. Today, again, featured a “No comment” from the administration.

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sure sounds like someone made it NOT work huh

Facing such intense opposition from congressional Republicans, the administration was in a bunker mentality as it built the enrollment system, one former administration official said. Officials feared that if they called on outsiders to help with the technical details of how to run a commerce website, those companies could be subpoenaed by Hill Republicans, the former aide said. So the task fell to trusted campaign tech experts.

Looks like Desh has gone tin foil conspiracy on us.

Obamacare website failure threatens health coverage for millions of Americans

A broken website imperils the largest expansion of the American safety net since the Great Society.

The website created by President Barack Obama's health care reform law still isn't working right.

"The website that was supposed to do this all in a seamless way has had way more glitches than I think are acceptable," Obama said.

"If things aren't resolved in three weeks, we've got some serious, serious problems," said Timothy Jost, a law professor and health care reform expert at Washington & Lee University in Lexington, Va., and an Obamacare supporter. "I don't think we're anywhere close to there yet, but if the whole thing collapses, it'll be another generation before we get this problem fixed."
