U.N.’s Latest Plan For The U.S. Military


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Michael New was court-martialed for refusing to serve the U.N. He was loyal to the United States and was punished by the Clintons in the Bosnian war. Neither Bush the Younger nor the Chicago sewer rat considered giving New a pardon.

In 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Michael New’s appeal. President Bush could have overturned his conviction and awarded Michael New an honorable discharge. If ever anybody deserves a pardon it is Michael New. A Bush pardon would have sent a message of hope to the American people; at least to those Americans who would defend this country against the United Nations. Even today, you never hear a media mouth compare Michael New to pardoning Marc Rich, Gitmo terrorists, and drug dealers.

Specialist New was punished because he refused to violate his military oath to the U.S. Constitution.

Phyllis Schlafly
What Master Do U.S. Servicemen Serve?
Nov. 2, 1995


Trump can send an unmistakable message to NATO, to the United Nations, and to the American people by pardoning Michael New. Nobody should be pardoned until Michael New is pardoned. New’s arrest, court-martial and conviction remains the biggest miscarriage of justice in this country’s military history; on par with France’s Alfred Dreyfus although Specialist New was not sent to Devil’s Island or even to prison. Alas, Michael New is the forbidden pardon. I doubt if he could buy a pardon for any price.


The United Nations began working towards controlling the U.S. military on the day it opened for business. The U.S. Senate has been a nest of traitors for that long. Only two senators voted against U.N. membership. Today, you will be hard-pressed identifying one. Voting for or against H.R. 204 is the proof in the pudding:


Federal bureaucrats are more loyal to the U.N. than they are to the U.S. Every Democrat in the federal government, as well as most of the Democrat Party’s rank & file, express their hatred for this country with their support for the United Nations. Suppporting open borders, U.N. asylum seekers, and sanctuary cities, are the best-known evidence of the Democrat Party’s hatred.

The EPA has been a de facto U.N. agency since Jimmy Carter perverted President Nixon’s original intent:

The 1970s had been a decade of progress for environmental issues. President Richard Nixon had created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970 and Congress passed a few laws to protect air, water and the oceans including the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act and legislation to prohibit use of many pesticides and insecticides. Jimmy Carter was eager to contribute to environmental issues and expand on the progress made. His experiences as a farmer and with agricultural science and his engineering background all influenced Carter in his environmental policies. A few months after his inauguration he spoke to Congress in an address called his Environment Message to the Congress.

My point: The latest garbage from U.N.-loving America-haters might give President Trump the incentive to pardon Michael New:

What's the carbon footprint of a military invasion? And where's the army that the U.N. would use to invade a country that emits the CO2 that makes the world greener and greener?

This guy makes me even happier that I ditched academia after getting my Ph.D. and teaching at Harvard. Simon Kent reports for Breitbart:

The United Nations may resort to military action against states that defy its mandates on global climate action, according to Ole Wæver, a prominent international relations professor at the University of Copenhagen.

In an interview with ABC News in Australia, Professor Wæver cautions that what he sees as "climate inaction" might draw the U.N. into considering other means to ensure its goals are met, even if that leads to global armed conflict.

The totalitarian impulse lurking behind the warmist agenda is clearly visible:

"If there was something that was decided internationally by some more centralised procedure and every country was told 'this is your emission target, it's not negotiable, we can actually take military measures if you don't fulfil it', then you would basically have to get that down the throat of your population, whether they like it or not," he says.

Global dictatorship, justified by a climate hoax. Does it get any more sinister?



Ever wonder why so many powerful institutions adhere to the hoax?

December 4, 2019
Climate derangement syndrome: Academic suggests UN use military to enforce climate agenda
By Thomas Lifson


Let me close with a few words about patriotism —— Democrat style.

At yesterday impeachment circus, several Democrats opened their five minute question period by citing their military service. One Democrat even told us about his grandfather’s service in WWII! Democrats implying they love this country demands a change in House Rules —— every time a Democrat wraps themself in the flag at a committee hearing the entire room has to stand up, place their hand over their heart, while the National anthem plays in the background.

Bottom line: I appreciate it when a Republican mentions his or her service because I know they serve for the country, but it is a little hard to swallow when it comes from a Democrat who would betray this country for the U.N. in a heartbeat. They do it all of the time.
My point: The latest garbage from U.N.-loving America-haters might give President Trump the incentive to pardon Michael New:

The reporter, James Rosen, asked the wrong question:

Nobody can prove Diarrhea Mouth hates President Trump unless she admits it. Rosen should have asked —— Do you hate this country? That is easy to prove. Shit Mouth’s record is rife with her hatred for the country via her hatred of the Constitution that she now claims she is protecting and defending.

Note that Diarrhea Mouth is not alone in her hatred of the Constitution. House Democrats know what she is, but they still made her speaker twice.

Speaking of Democrat liars, Senile Joe Biden got away with this accusation:

‘You’re a damn liar, man!’ – Joe Biden blasts Iowa voter, calls him ‘fat’ after man repeats Ukraine smear
Published Thu, Dec 5 20192:38 PM ESTUpdated Thu, Dec 5 20195:49 PM EST
Dan Mangan


Unfortunately, the Iowa voter was ill-prepared to respond:

Nobody can prove Diarrhea Mouth hates President Trump unless she admits it.

This will suffice until she signs a confession:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn’t hate President Donald Trump—she only wants is to impeach him.

And “she’s working overtime to get the job done with as much feigned sanctimony as she can muster.

Unfortunately the feigned sanctimony of Pelosi is of a kind that sours the human soul.

Feigned sanctimony of Pelosi is of a kind that sours the human soul

Self-bestowed sanctimony, like seething hatred of another, is something that should never be put out on public display.

Pelosi’s grab-bag sanctimony was on full display today when journalist James Rosen asked the one question millions of people longingly need answered: “Do you hate the president, Madam Speaker?”

Pelosi’s answer was a jaw-dropping stunner, not because she ordered plucky Rosen, “Don’t mess with me.”, but because she took it upon herself to answer for all Catholics, and all other Democrats with the proverbial use of the term,“WE”.

“Don’t mess with me when it comes to words like that,” Pelosi said. “As a Catholic, I resent you using ‘hate’ in a sentence that references me.”

Millions in the world, including Catholics resent that Pelosi uses her Catholic religion as a foil to hide her seething hatred of President Trump and his supporters known in Democrat land as the curse-worthy “deplorables”.

In Democrat country, “dreamers” count, “deplorables” and Barack Obama defined “bitter clingers” are smeared.

“The California Democrat was walking out of her weekly press conference when James Rosen asked, “Do you hate the president, Madam Speaker?” (Washington Examiner, Dec. 5, 2019)

“Pelosi stopped and returned to the microphones to condemn the question, telling reporters she is a Catholic and prays for the president.”

No point in telling sanctimonious Pelosi that millions of Christians pray daily for the president.

Back at the microphone, Pelosi rang condemnation on Rosen’s head:

“Don’t mess with me when it comes to words like that,” Pelosi said. “As a Catholic, I resent you using ‘hate’ in a sentence that references me.” (Washington Examiner)

Millions in the nation resent Pelosi using “hate” in her job and wearing it proudly as a badge.

That the Speaker of the House tries to turn hatred around by claiming that she “prays” for the president is an outrage to people of faith everywhere

“Rosen told Pelosi the question echoes accusations by Republicans and the GOP witness at the Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday that Democrats are moving to impeach Trump because they don’t like him. (Washington Examiner)

“Pelosi denied it.

“I don’t hate anyone,” Pelosi said. “We don’t hate anyone.”

You could have fooled us, Mrs. Pelosi, when everything you say about the duly elected President of the United States, originates from hate-filled unproven accusations.

That the Speaker of the House tries to turn hatred around by claiming that she “prays” for the president is an outrage to people of faith everywhere.

“Pelosi said she has “a heart full of love” and prays for the president, and even though she disagrees with his agenda, it is not the motivation for impeaching him. (Washington Examiner)

“It has nothing to do with that,” she said. “I think the president is a coward when it comes to helping our kids who are afraid of gun violence. I think he is cruel when he doesn’t deal with helping our Dreamers, of which we are proud. I think he is in denial about the climate crisis. However, that’s about the election ... take it up in the election.”

People who pray sincerely, pray in private and never find occasion to boast or gloat about it

Patriots will, Mrs. Pelosi, that’s a 2020 guarantee.

“Impeachment, she said, “is about the Constitution of the United States.” (Washington Examiner)

People who pray sincerely, pray in private and never find occasion to boast or gloat about it.

The corrosive hatred Pelosi, the Dems and their surrogates carry down the road to soul-killing Socialism, which started off in a slow burn three years ago, has exploded into a raging inferno that would require an entire ocean to bring it back under control.

Self-acclaimed sanctimony doesn’t look good on Pelosi, it only looks repugnant

Prayers that call for harm on any human soul are not prayers, but the devil’s own curses.

In her “prayerful” hatred of President Donald Trump, sanctimony-signalling Nancy Pelosi is downright loathsome.

Refrain from all prayers for Deplorables, Mrs. Pelosi, as long as your prayers remain curses.

Meanwhile, we can out-pray Pelosi’s curses asking our Creator to keep Trump and his family safe from all harm.

The Despicable Sanctimony of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
By Judi McLeod
December 6, 2019

I am with Nancy. I am disgusted with self-serving selfish people who do not know how to do their jobs. I am appalled by his poor ability to speak and articulate an idea. I do hate what he has done. But On a personal level, I feel sorry for him. He is a sad person who has bought love his whole life and he is unable to understand what others feel or are going through.He kept getting bounced up his whole life and is a walking, talking example of the Peter principle. He must have trouble sleeping.