I remember when commenting or joking about the weather to friends or strangers was just a human nicety, just being friendly.It's going to be cold as well-digger's culo...even in sunny Georgia.
And right on cue, an enraged ladyboy shows up.Oh jeez, more brain-dead misunderstanding of climate change. Simple minds like yours are the reason they quit using the old term of global warming.
The hottest year on record globally was 2024.
The earth has been around how long? And how far back to the "records" go?The hottest year on record globally was 2024.
The earth's climate doesn't change for no reason.The earth has been around how long? And how far back to the "records" go?
Climate change fools are missing something in their brains.
I see you have decided to show the world you don't understand how and why the seasons occur and why it is currently summer in the southern hemisphere.
Do you understand what records are? if there are no records then there can't be anything on the records. Pretty simple stuff. I'll be a second grader would understand it. Why can't you?The earth has been around how long? And how far back to the "records" go?
Climate change fools are missing something in their brains.
We are currently in an ICEHOUSE EARTH, moron. The planet hasn't been this cold in over 200 million years.The hottest year on record globally was 2024.
Do you understand what records are? if there are no records then there can't be anything on the records. Pretty simple stuff. I'll be a second grader would understand it. Why can't you?
Afraid you're misinformed. Higher taxes won't fix it even if it were true.The earth's climate doesn't change for no reason.
In the past, geological events, orbital perturbations, or solar cycles could explain it.
The recent, very rapid acceleration of global warming is attributable to the rapid buildup of heat-trapping GHGs emitted or caused by human activities.
I have records on my F150. They go back to when it was made in 2022.Do you understand what records are? if there are no records then there can't be anything on the records. Pretty simple stuff. I'll be a second grader would understand it. Why can't you?
You seem confused about the what is the records you can't find.I have records on my F150. They go back to when it was made in 2022.
Can't find any records prior to that though. Weird eh?
You are really fucking mentally challenged.
The earth has been around how long? And how far back to the "records" go?
Climate change fools are missing something in their brains.
Bunch of speculation based on fossils. We're panicked about a couple of degrees and the entire motherfucker was an ice ball not long ago.The earth is, approximately, 4.5 billion years old- but it didn't have what we'd call a ' climate ' until 3.7 billion years ago.
You can either accept verified scientific fact- or go dance with the Creationists in hairy diapers.
Our Earliest Climate Record
From the Isua terrane at 3.7 Bya, we can fast-forward about 500 million years to South Africa, where the oldest preserved emergent crust — still outcropping today in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, near Swaziland — was splashed with rain, traversed by rivers, and colonized by microbial mats more than 3.2 Bya. Together with the Pilbara block in Western Australia, these rocks are our oldest subaerial deposits, our oldest direct evidence of interactions between the atmosphere and geosphere. The rocks are, therefore, our oldest record of climate' '
Earth's Earliest Climate
What was Earth like in its youth? Explosive, hot, and unstable? Or cool and in control? Sedimentary rocks from the Archean Eon hint at something in between.www.nature.com