U.S. Capital Renamed Kakistoc


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It is back again:

While constitutional and practical implications abound, there is also debate around even what the new state should be called.

Nancy Pelosi Backs DC Statehood Bill To Combat ‘GOP’s Mass Disenfranchisement Agenda’
10:33 PM 01/07/2019
Helen Lyons


The nation’s capital city is entirely dependant on the nation’s productive Americans. Deciding on a new name for a parasite capital is an easy one—— KAKISTOC.

Kakistocracy is a badly underused word which needs to make a major comeback this year, as it is perfectly descriptive of the cabal of loons, clowns, demagogues, crooks and halfwits who are now in charge of the House of Representatives.

The literal definition of the word is a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. It’s been around for a few hundred years, but overtaken by others perhaps more colorful to describe slimeball government. Kleptocracy, for example, has a real ring to it.

The New Kakistocracy
Scott McKay
January 4, 2019, 12:05 am


Happily, D.C. parasites failed to get their snouts in the public trough when Nutso Nancy and Dirty Harry Reid were in charge. Alas, the parasites smell blood again.

Mayor Muriel Bowser came to the statehood scam late.

Joining Norton was D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and Council Chairman Phil Mendelson, who also petitioned Congress separately to allow D.C. the same rights as any other state.

“We’re 681,000 people. We’re tax-paying American citizens. We send our residents to war. We pay more taxes than 22 states. [They pay their taxes with taxes.] And we’re larger than two of them,” Bowser said.

DC Delegate Introduces Legislation In Congress To Make DC A State
Jonah Bennett
National Security/Politics Reporter
7:36 PM 03/01/2017


The U.S. capital is already a magnet for the wealthiest, the poorest, and every parasite in-between. It can only get worse.

Statehood would give the parasite class a city-state of their own with full representation in Congress should the Democrat Party succeed. Every full-time resident is a pedigreed parasite. They feed on everybody else. They sow no crops; they sew no garments; they produce nothing of value; they live on tax dollars taken from Americans in the fifty states.

NOTE: In 2009 the statehood scam was in the news. I am pretty sure it had something to do with the first full-blown, American-born, parasite moving into the White House a few weeks before George Will’s commentary?

And, of course, Congress next could give the District two senators. Which probably is the main objective of the Democrats who are most of the supporters of this end run around the Constitution.

Voting Rights and the 'State' of D.C.
By George F. Will
Thursday, February 5, 2009


Senators from Kakistoc would quickly join the other Democrats in pretending they are helping the poor, the children, the elderly, etc.

As it stands now the rest of the parasite class have their own key to the public purse, while D.C. parasites must go to Congress with their hats in their hands whenever they want more; no small thing when conservatives are in charge. Pure and simple, statehood will give parasites their own set of keys to the public larder.

Finally, I break into a cold sweat when I think about the benefits International parasites at the U.N. will enjoy when Kakistoc gains two Senate seats in a nest of traitors.

And lets not forget what happens to advice and consent with two more reliable global government parasites voting for, or against, confirming a nominee.
I always thought W.C. Fields was engaging in a humorous play on words with kakistocracy:

Million Dollar Legs

A small country on the verge of bankruptcy is persuaded to enter the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics as a means of raising money. Either a masterpiece of absurdity or a triumph of satire, depending on your mood, but it's quite possibly the funniest movie ever made, and becomes even funnier with subsequent viewings.
—Carl Schultz


How they choose a President in Klopstokia:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The House of Representatives endorsed statehood for the District of Columbia for the first time in American history with the passage of the Democrats’ sweeping voting rights bill Friday.

House Endorses DC Statehood Bill With Passage Of Anti-Corruption And Voting Rights Bill
4:55 PM 03/08/2019 | US
Helen Lyons | Contributor


An amendment required for D.C. statehood will not prevent Democrat parasites from relying on their federal judges to make D.C. statehood constitutional:

Congress Doesn’t Have the Authority: Congress lacks the constitutional authority to simply grant the District a voting representative, as the Constitution explicitly limits such representation to states alone. Members of Congress are bound by their oath to reject proposals that violate the Constitution.

Article I, Section 2: “Representatives…shall be apportioned among the several States.” The District, as courts and Congress have long agreed, is not a state.

Article I, Section 8: “The Congress shall have power … To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States.” Congress has the same power over “forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings”
—and it’s obvious that Congress can’t give a Navy pier or a federal building a seat in the House.

The Framers Had a Plan: The Framers’ plan created a “federal town” designed to serve the needs of the federal government, as all Members of Congress would share the responsibility of protecting a city they live and work in.

Designed to Have Benefits

Design: The Framers understood that the lack of a voting representative would be a prominent characteristic of a federal district, and that residency in such a district would be compensated by the attention given to the district by all the members of Congress, who would exercise collective responsibility for the federal district in which they worked and many lived.

Benefits: Our Founders’ intent has been realized. In the 19th Century, Congress funded the development of the city. In the 20th Century, it developed the National Mall and beautified the city. The rationale for the special treatment is that it is Congress’s collective responsibility to promote the interests of the city.

Today’s Budget: Congress today funds more than 20% of the city’s operating budget and provide substantial funding for local amenities including the subway. In 2005, the city received $5.50 in federal spending for every dollar paid in federal taxes; more than double what any actual state receives.

Eleanor Holmes Norton: The District’s delegate boasts on her website that the city will receive greater financial support from the “Stimulus” than many states.

Constitutional Amendment

Constitutional Amendment: Congress cannot alter the Constitution by itself; an amendment, passed by two-thirds of the House and Senate and ratified by 38 states, is required.

Statehood: While the Constitution grants Congress authority to legislate for the District, this does not grant Congress the authority to violate other provisions of the Constitution. Thus, Congress can no more rely on this authority to add a representative in violation of the Art. I, Sec. 1 requirement that representatives be apportioned to the several “states” than it could rely on the Post Office Clause to ban criticism of the Post Office, which would violate of the First Amendment. Both would be unconstitutional acts.

Precedent: Granting the city a voice in presidential elections required an amendment, the 23rd. The last serious attempt to give the District voting representation was in the form of an amendment, which passed Congress but was not ratified by the required number of states.

Democrats always trot out THEIR EXPERTS for anything they are lying about; more so when one of their experts can tack “SCHOLAR” onto the horseshit they are selling.

Liberal Scholars Agree: Liberal Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley, an advocate of direct congressional representation for DC, says it would be “ridiculous to suggest” that delegates to the Constitutional Convention would have worked out such specific language and rules for Congress “only to give the majority of Congress the right to create a new form of voting members from federal enclaves like the District.”

The Constitution is Clear: DC is a Federal City
Rory Cooper / February 24, 2009


The U.S. capital is already a magnet for the wealthiest, the poorest, and every parasite in-between. It can only get worse.

Statehood would give the parasite class a city-state of their own with full representation in Congress should the Democrat Party succeed. Every full-time resident is a pedigreed parasite. They feed on everybody else. They sow no crops; they sew no garments; they produce nothing of value; they live on tax dollars taken from Americans in the fifty states.

Where else can parasites go to get more tax dollars than the parasite capital of the world?

McLendon-Covey and other celebrities were in Washington with the Creative Coalition to advocate for continued federal funding of arts programs.

'Goldbergs' Actress on D.C. Statehood: ‘Why is it Still an Issue?’
By Nicholas Ballasy
May 17, 2019


As to tax dollar art and tax dollar artists:

For the life of me, I cannot see how any politician can justify supporting government artists. That is what art was all about in the defunct Soviet Union, and I do not see any museums being voluntarily built to house the output of Communist-sponsored artists.

In addition to the above, the so-called interpretative art community was brought onboard through the National Endowment for the Arts. The entertainment industry is considered the most important component of both the artistic community and the propaganda apparatus. In plain English the people that counted the most, and played ball from a Socialist/Communist point of view, are taken care of with enormous amounts of tax dollars.

Being forced to fund the National Endowment for the Arts is just as offensive as is being forced to fund an alien religion. Aside from the political aspects, I doubt if any American (other than the folks who benefit financially from the Endowment) would choose to fund toe dancers, finger painters, and assorted con “artists.” The NEA is the one bureaucracy that most Americans find really offensive. Rather than me trying to convince anybody why the National Endowment for the Arts should be shutdown lets hear liberals tell us why the NEA is necessary government.


The federal education industry, Public Television, Public Radio, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and on and on goes the list of parasite eateries. Not a one of them has any business getting tax dollars.

In addition, just about everybody who administers the welfare state is a parasite. I once read that 85 cents out of every welfare dollar is paid to parasites who administer welfare programs. More to the point, they are all the mortal enemies of individual liberties and freedom because productive Americans are forced to provide incomes for parasites.

Of all the unconstitutional parasite bureaucracies Democrats created to feed parasites the vast majority of Americans would demand a national holiday honoring the day the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Humanities are shutdown.

p.s. The National Endowment for the Arts was then-First Lady Jackie Kennedy’s pet project. Instead of LBJ sending flowers he sent Jackie a bureaucracy. After all, who could deny the widow Kennedy anything in 1965.

p.p.s. Unelected Jackie O. was the template for big time parasites like then-First Lady Hillary Clinton —— tax dollar funded healthcare was her pet project before she was elected to anything. Had Bubba been assassinated while Hillary was first lady the ACA would be called Hillarycare instead of Obamacare.
Jul. 19, 2019, at 6:00 AM
Why Don’t Americans Want D.C. To Be A State?
By Erin Doherty


The answer is easy:

The U.S. capital is already a magnet for the wealthiest, the poorest, and every parasite in-between. It can only get worse.

Statehood would give the parasite class a city-state of their own with full representation in Congress should the Democrat Party succeed. Every full-time resident is a pedigreed parasite. They feed on everybody else. They sow no crops; they sew no garments; they produce nothing of value; they live on tax dollars taken from Americans in the fifty states.
It is back again:

While constitutional and practical implications abound, there is also debate around even what the new state should be called.
Nancy Pelosi Backs DC Statehood Bill To Combat ‘GOP’s Mass Disenfranchisement Agenda’
10:33 PM 01/07/2019
Helen Lyons
The nation’s capital city is entirely dependant on the nation’s productive Americans. Deciding on a new name for a parasite capital is an easy one—— KAKISTOC.
Kakistocracy is a badly underused word which needs to make a major comeback this year, as it is perfectly descriptive of the cabal of loons, clowns, demagogues, crooks and halfwits who are now in charge of the House of Representatives.
The literal definition of the word is a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. It’s been around for a few hundred years, but overtaken by others perhaps more colorful to describe slimeball government. Kleptocracy, for example, has a real ring to it.

The New Kakistocracy
DC Delegate Introduces Legislation In Congress To Make DC A State
The U.S. capital is already a magnet for the wealthiest, the poorest, and every parasite in-between. It can only get worse.

While back during the Bicentennial Christian Nation celebration of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - arsonists seemed to be appropriately Nazington.
Now with a national religion of Christiananality Islamophobia Pedophilia may have finally attained the worst the earth has to offer.
The federal education industry, Public Television, Public Radio, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and on and on goes the list of parasite eateries. Not a one of them has any business getting tax dollars.

How do you like paying for Communism in China at the same Democrat Party Communists drastically lower the standard of living among private sector Americans?


(Photo courtesy Pixabay)

“To President Xi Jinping, ending poverty is his most important task,” the script states.

Tax-funded TV stations worked with Chinese agent on pro-Beijing film
PBS affiliates get millions from taxpayers
By WND News Services
Published May 15, 2020 at 12:49pm


In plain English, the average Chinese is eating better than ever before, and getting richer on American tax dollars, while American Communists are systematically driving private sector Americans into poverty.

Note that Democrats scored a major economic coup for China with COVID-19 when they condemned tens of millions of Americans to Great Depression era bread lines forever, or until a once free people are forced to work for Communism's moral garbage —— whichever comes first.

It is back again:

While constitutional and practical implications abound, there is also debate around even what the new state should be called.

Nancy Pelosi Backs DC Statehood Bill To Combat ‘GOP’s Mass Disenfranchisement Agenda’
10:33 PM 01/07/2019
Helen Lyons


The nation’s capital city is entirely dependant on the nation’s productive Americans. Deciding on a new name for a parasite capital is an easy one—— KAKISTOC.

Kakistocracy is a badly underused word which needs to make a major comeback this year, as it is perfectly descriptive of the cabal of loons, clowns, demagogues, crooks and halfwits who are now in charge of the House of Representatives.

The literal definition of the word is a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. It’s been around for a few hundred years, but overtaken by others perhaps more colorful to describe slimeball government. Kleptocracy, for example, has a real ring to it.

The New Kakistocracy
Scott McKay
January 4, 2019, 12:05 am


Happily, D.C. parasites failed to get their snouts in the public trough when Nutso Nancy and Dirty Harry Reid were in charge. Alas, the parasites smell blood again.

Mayor Muriel Bowser came to the statehood scam late.

Joining Norton was D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and Council Chairman Phil Mendelson, who also petitioned Congress separately to allow D.C. the same rights as any other state.

“We’re 681,000 people. We’re tax-paying American citizens. We send our residents to war. We pay more taxes than 22 states. [They pay their taxes with taxes.] And we’re larger than two of them,” Bowser said.

DC Delegate Introduces Legislation In Congress To Make DC A State
Jonah Bennett
National Security/Politics Reporter
7:36 PM 03/01/2017


The U.S. capital is already a magnet for the wealthiest, the poorest, and every parasite in-between. It can only get worse.

Statehood would give the parasite class a city-state of their own with full representation in Congress should the Democrat Party succeed. Every full-time resident is a pedigreed parasite. They feed on everybody else. They sow no crops; they sew no garments; they produce nothing of value; they live on tax dollars taken from Americans in the fifty states.

NOTE: In 2009 the statehood scam was in the news. I am pretty sure it had something to do with the first full-blown, American-born, parasite moving into the White House a few weeks before George Will’s commentary?

And, of course, Congress next could give the District two senators. Which probably is the main objective of the Democrats who are most of the supporters of this end run around the Constitution.

Voting Rights and the 'State' of D.C.
By George F. Will
Thursday, February 5, 2009


Senators from Kakistoc would quickly join the other Democrats in pretending they are helping the poor, the children, the elderly, etc.

As it stands now the rest of the parasite class have their own key to the public purse, while D.C. parasites must go to Congress with their hats in their hands whenever they want more; no small thing when conservatives are in charge. Pure and simple, statehood will give parasites their own set of keys to the public larder.

Finally, I break into a cold sweat when I think about the benefits International parasites at the U.N. will enjoy when Kakistoc gains two Senate seats in a nest of traitors.

And lets not forget what happens to advice and consent with two more reliable global government parasites voting for, or against, confirming a nominee.

What a crock pf shit! LOL BLAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Deciding on a new name for a parasite capital is an easy one—— KAKISTOC.

At last the Parasite Class settled on a name:

“. . . the new state would be referred to as 'Washington, Douglass Commonwealth’ . . .”

House Democrats will vote to make Washington D.C. a state
Nikki Schwab
9-11 minutes


Self-defense provides dozens of valid reasons to vote Democrats out of office in November, none more more important than preventing parasites from getting a state of their own:

The U.S. capital is already a magnet for the wealthiest, the poorest, and every parasite in-between. It can only get worse.

Statehood would give the Parasite Class a city-state of their own with full representation in Congress should the Democrat Party succeed. Every full-time resident is a pedigreed parasite. They feed on everybody else. They sow no crops; they sew no garments; they produce nothing of value; they live on tax dollars taken from Americans in the fifty states.

NOTE: In 2009 the statehood scam was in the news. I am pretty sure it had something to do with the first full-blown, American-born, parasite moving into the White House a few weeks before George Will’s commentary?
so if they make DC a state we will have to move the seat of government somewhere that isn't within the boundaries of a state........perhaps we could build an island in the Florida Gulf area........

they want to tear down the Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument anyway so we can just move all those things to the new District.......
The U.S. capital is already a magnet for the wealthiest, the poorest, and every parasite in-between. It can only get worse.

Statehood would give the parasite class a city-state of their own with full representation in Congress should the Democrat Party succeed. Every full-time resident is a pedigreed parasite. They feed on everybody else. They sow no crops; they sew no garments; they produce nothing of value; they live on tax dollars taken from Americans in the fifty states.

NOTE: In 2009 the statehood scam was in the news. I am pretty sure it had something to do with the first full-blown, American-born, parasite moving into the White House a few weeks before George Will’s commentary?

The parasites are at it again:

D.C. Mayor Bowser: Dem-Led House, Senate Will Pass D.C. Statehood, Bring It to Biden’s Desk
by Pam Key
22 Jan 2021


Constitutional Amendment: Congress cannot alter the Constitution by itself; an amendment, passed by two-thirds of the House and Senate and ratified by 38 states, is required.

Worse still, television mouths will justify giving parasites a state of their own, while U. S. Supreme Court swamp creatures will do nothing to prevent parasites from altering the Constitution.

“The District is proud to pay its fair share of taxes,” she said.

DC's Long-Simmering Statehood Push Begins in Congress
Monday, 22 March 2021 05:17 PM


As usual, a Democrat parasite is lying:

Every full-time resident is a pedigreed parasite. They feed on everybody else. They sow no crops; they sew no garments; they produce nothing of value; they live on tax dollars taken from Americans in the fifty states.

To be precise —— D.C. parasites will always pay their taxes with the tax dollars they get from the rest of the country.
I think DC should be called just that Columbia. just drop the District part. That said I think any territory the US owns such as Guam, PR and the VI to name a few should be offered Statehood, either they accept it or we cut them free.