APP - U.S. commander in Afghanistan talked with Obama only once


Loyal to the end
The military general credited with capturing Saddam Hussein and killing the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, says he has spoken with President Obama only once since taking command in Afghanistan.

"I’ve talked to the president, since I’ve been here, once on a VTC [video teleconference]," Gen. Stanley McChrystal told CBS reporter David Martin in a television interview that aired Sunday.

"You’ve talked to him once in 70 days?" Mr. Martin followed up.

"That is correct," the general replied.

This revelation comes amid the explosive publication of a classified report written by the general that said the war in Afghanistan "will likely result in failure" if more troops are not added next year. Yet, the debate over health care reform continues to dominate Washington’s political discussions.

All during the Iraq war you liberals were moaning about taking care of Afghanistan. Now your Dear Leader doesn't even talk to the Commanding General over there. :pke:
I was stunned when I first read this. It's simply unconscionable to spend the treasure of the future while ignoring the very real responsibility.

All during the Iraq war you liberals were moaning about taking care of Afghanistan. Now your Dear Leader doesn't even talk to the Commanding General over there. :pke:

So memos aren't communication? I don't telephone or meet with my pals from this forum, but we still communicate regularly.

White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs in a briefing Tuesday dispelled speculations that the President isn’t consulting with the general.

“The president receives a memo every week from General McChrystal,” Gibbs said.

Gibbs says that the weekly memo, which has both military and diplomatic components, guides the President’s decisions regarding Afghanistan and emphasized that Obama meets regularly with the military chain of command.

In response to a question about how the president views McChrystal, Gibbs responded, “Understand that the President signed off on putting General McChrystal where he is.”
Nicolas Sarkozy is furious with Obama. He said he is very naive and extremely arrogant, which he is.

No, he didn't. If we're to believe hearsay, Sarkozy criticized Obama about Iran. Then the French government denied the story.

"Sarkozy has made his criticisms only in closed forums in France. But according to a senior Israeli government source, the reports reaching Israel indicate that Sarkozy views the Democratic candidate's stance on Iran as "utterly immature" and comprised of "formulations empty of all content."

UPDATE: The Obama campaign passes along this comment from a spokesman for the French government: "The remarks attributed by the newspaper Haaretz to the President of the French Republic concerning Senator Obama's positions on Iran are groundless. To the contrary, the in-depth discussions between the President of the Republic and Senator Obama on Iran during their meeting in Paris in July demonstrated a broad convergence of views on this issue. President Sarkozy and Senator Obama agree to oppose Iran's development of a military nuclear capability."
So memos aren't communication? I don't telephone or meet with my pals from this forum, but we still communicate regularly.

White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs in a briefing Tuesday dispelled speculations that the President isn’t consulting with the general.

“The president receives a memo every week from General McChrystal,” Gibbs said.

Gibbs says that the weekly memo, which has both military and diplomatic components, guides the President’s decisions regarding Afghanistan and emphasized that Obama meets regularly with the military chain of command.

In response to a question about how the president views McChrystal, Gibbs responded, “Understand that the President signed off on putting General McChrystal where he is.”

No, a memo isn't an effective method of communication compared with an actual one-on-one telephone call. And the time they did "talk" it wasn't even that.
No, a memo isn't an effective method of communication compared with an actual one-on-one telephone call. And the time they did "talk" it wasn't even that.

The military runs on a strict chain of command. While the president can call on whomever he choses, it is not customary for the chain of command to be bypassed.

Lt Gen. McChrystal reports to people who brief the president on what is happening.
No, he didn't. If we're to believe hearsay, Sarkozy criticized Obama about Iran. Then the French government denied the story.

"Sarkozy has made his criticisms only in closed forums in France. But according to a senior Israeli government source, the reports reaching Israel indicate that Sarkozy views the Democratic candidate's stance on Iran as "utterly immature" and comprised of "formulations empty of all content."

UPDATE: The Obama campaign passes along this comment from a spokesman for the French government: "The remarks attributed by the newspaper Haaretz to the President of the French Republic concerning Senator Obama's positions on Iran are groundless. To the contrary, the in-depth discussions between the President of the Republic and Senator Obama on Iran during their meeting in Paris in July demonstrated a broad convergence of views on this issue. President Sarkozy and Senator Obama agree to oppose Iran's development of a military nuclear capability."

Of course you would never believe anything negative said about THE ONE. It doesn't matter, more and more people are starting to figure out his MO and not liking it.

[ame=""]YouTube - Sarkozy Says Obama Is Very Naive and Conceited[/ame]
Of course you would never believe anything negative said about THE ONE. It doesn't matter, more and more people are starting to figure out his MO and not liking it.

YouTube - Sarkozy Says Obama Is Very Naive and Conceited

I've posted a number of comments in which I disagreed with or criticized Obama. Wonder how you missed them?

I'm very familiar with Jack Kelly as he's a regular columnist in our paper. Also, he's a RW hack who has never said a decent word about Obama, or any Democrat, for that matter. I know that elevates him to sainthood in your estimation but I prefer more balanced editorializing.

LOL. Kelly: "I have a friend of a friend who has a friend that's a friend of a friend, and he says..."
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I've posted a number of comments in which I disagreed with or criticized Obama. Wonder how you missed them?

I'm very familiar with Jack Kelly as he's a regular columnist in our paper. Also, he's a RW hack who has never said a decent word about Obama, or any Democrat, for that matter. I know that elevates him to sainthood in your estimation but I prefer more balanced editorializing.

LOL. Kelly: "I have a friend of a friend who has a friend that's a friend of a friend, and he says..."

I find it to be true, just by Obama's remarks and actions. He IS arrogant and naive. THE ONE will save us all. I remember Michelle telling a group that Obama will take care of them. Oh really? :rolleyes:
I've posted a number of comments in which I disagreed with or criticized Obama. Wonder how you missed them?

I'm very familiar with Jack Kelly as he's a regular columnist in our paper. Also, he's a RW hack who has never said a decent word about Obama, or any Democrat, for that matter. I know that elevates him to sainthood in your estimation but I prefer more balanced editorializing.

LOL. Kelly: "I have a friend of a friend who has a friend that's a friend of a friend, and he says..."
We all have, she just doesn't notice those types of things. We told her we would criticize him if he did things we disagree with and we have and we will continue to do so!
We don't think of him as she thought of Bush!
So memos aren't communication? I don't telephone or meet with my pals from this forum, but we still communicate regularly.

White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs in a briefing Tuesday dispelled speculations that the President isn’t consulting with the general.

“The president receives a memo every week from General McChrystal,” Gibbs said.

Gibbs says that the weekly memo, which has both military and diplomatic components, guides the President’s decisions regarding Afghanistan and emphasized that Obama meets regularly with the military chain of command.

In response to a question about how the president views McChrystal, Gibbs responded, “Understand that the President signed off on putting General McChrystal where he is.”
Another good catch!!!!
No, he didn't. If we're to believe hearsay, Sarkozy criticized Obama about Iran. Then the French government denied the story.

"Sarkozy has made his criticisms only in closed forums in France. But according to a senior Israeli government source, the reports reaching Israel indicate that Sarkozy views the Democratic candidate's stance on Iran as "utterly immature" and comprised of "formulations empty of all content."

UPDATE: The Obama campaign passes along this comment from a spokesman for the French government: "The remarks attributed by the newspaper Haaretz to the President of the French Republic concerning Senator Obama's positions on Iran are groundless. To the contrary, the in-depth discussions between the President of the Republic and Senator Obama on Iran during their meeting in Paris in July demonstrated a broad convergence of views on this issue. President Sarkozy and Senator Obama agree to oppose Iran's development of a military nuclear capability."

What's that you say??

Tutu is LYING???

HOW DARE YOU madam?!?

She's NEVER LIED to anyone before, so why should...what...I'm sorry...what was that...ohhhhhhh, so she HAS lied before!

Never mind...
I find it to be true, just by Obama's remarks and actions. He IS arrogant and naive. THE ONE will save us all. I remember Michelle telling a group that Obama will take care of them. Oh really? :rolleyes:

That's pretty vague. I wonder if she was talking about helping these women:

"But, as Mrs. Obama said in her speech, denying coverage due to a history of domestic abuse is still legal in some states. Those states are Idaho, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota and Wyoming, and the District of Columbia, according to the National Women's Law Center...

...Back in the 1990s there was evidence that the practice was widespread. In 1994, a House Judiciary Committee panel conducted an informal survey and found that eight of the 16 largest insurers in the country used domestic violence as a factor in deciding coverage. And a year later, the Insurance Commission of Pennsylvania reported that a formal survey showed that 24 percent of accident, health, and life insurers took domestic violence into account when deciding whether to issue and renew insurance policies..."
The military runs on a strict chain of command. While the president can call on whomever he choses, it is not customary for the chain of command to be bypassed.

Lt Gen. McChrystal reports to people who brief the president on what is happening.

So it is not customary or not protocal for the President to be able to talk to the lead general in the field? I find that hard to believe.