U.S. Economic Growth Rebounds in Second Quarter


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U.S. Economic Growth Rebounds in Second Quarter
Topics:Consumers * Economy (U.S.) * Economy (Global)
By Reuters * 27 Jul 2007 * 08:36 AM ET
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U.S. economic growth rebounded during the second quarter to its strongest pace since the beginning of last year on a surge in business investment, more government spending and a better trade performance, the Commerce Department reported on Friday.

Gross domestic product that measures total output within U.S. borders gained at a 3.4 percent annual rate -- the fastest since 4.8 percent in the first quarter of 2006 -- after barely growing at a downwardly revised 0.6 percent pace in the first quarter. Previously the government had reported that first-quarter growth was at a 0.7 percent rate.

Second-quarter growth exceeded Wall Street economists' forecasts for a 3.2 percent rate of increase and showed the business sector picking up some of the slack left by consumers who cut back on their spending.

There was encouraging news on the inflation front, as so-called core prices that exclude food and energy items gained at a surprisingly low 1.4 percent annual rate, the lowest in four years since 1.3 percent in the second quarter of 2003.

Economists had forecast a 2 percent rate of advance in core prices.

Nonresidential business investment climbed at an 8.1 percent rate in the second quarter, nearly four times the 2.1 percent registered in the first quarter as commercial building activity soared. :clink:
Have you been enjoying the little bath that Wall Street has provided you with over the past few days?

I do embrace wealth. I also believe the middle class can't keep up. Those are not mutually exclusive positions.

I also think there is a better way to gauge how people are doing than how many millionaires are created, which seems to be your only measure.
Hell no I haven't enjoyed it, on paper I was down $20,000 yestarday.
We'll the most important fact that I have an unbelievable marriage and healthy kids is prob of no interest to you guys.
I'm here to remind dems that " money is politics" and instead of fighting the old losing war of attacking the rich, I say attack the war making machine.
Cut defense 60% to pay for dem programs.
Hell no I haven't enjoyed it, on paper I was down $20,000 yestarday.
We'll the most important fact that I have an unbelievable marriage and healthy kids is prob of no interest to you guys.
I'm here to remind dems that " money is politics" and instead of fighting the old losing war of attacking the rich, I say attack the war making machine.
Cut defense 60% to pay for dem programs.

We will overthrow you fascist mini-nutted tiny men.
Hell no I haven't enjoyed it, on paper I was down $20,000 yestarday.
We'll the most important fact that I have an unbelievable marriage and healthy kids is prob of no interest to you guys.
I'm here to remind dems that " money is politics" and instead of fighting the old losing war of attacking the rich, I say attack the war making machine.
Cut defense 60% to pay for dem programs.

Top, from the things you always say about other people, the reverse is true. That someone else having an "unbelievable marriage" and healthy and happy kids, would be absolutely meaningless. What are they worth on paper? That's the question.

Personally, I don't think money equates to happiness, past a certain point. If you don't have money for rent and food, hard to be happy. Once you do, it's really a very small part of any measure of happiness.
I never impune family it's 1,000 times more important. Too me it's a given, to you money haters they are mutually exclusive. Between my last GF and my wife I was miserable and all the stock gains in the world didn't mean shit.
Where is topspin? What have you done w/ him?

Well, it's nice to know that you can at least be humbled by a couple of bad days in the market. What you just said is pretty much the complete opposite of what you usually tell us...
Where is topspin? What have you done w/ him?

Well, it's nice to know that you can at least be humbled by a couple of bad days in the market. What you just said is pretty much the complete opposite of what you usually tell us...

No shit. His "money is king" mantra has changed a little. A fair weather free marketeer. Usually neocons have just never had anything bad happen to them.
why would you guys care that I have a great marraige and have been through a bad one. I bragged enourmously about my son's wrestling in college and playing football cause I couldn't help myself.
nothing goes straight up, I always say when they are screaming and running for the exits the smart people buy.
ps I'd trade half a mill and higher ind and corp taxes for legalization of mj and the end of jailing kids for it and taillight infractions. But no ones with me so what's the point.
Yeah, I'll 2nd that. There are a lot of pretty awful things that have happened under Bush, but the mandatory jail sentences for pot that has put kids away for years ranks right up there. It's such a misguided priority...
Well I'm starting a 10 man march in Mandeville on Charter Communications to protest no NFL network.
After that, we can start a grassroots movement I'll match you x 10 in contributions. We could pay for healthcare for all with an alchohol like tax on dubbies.