U.S. evangelical support for Iraq war slipping


Villified User
U.S. evangelical support for Iraq war slipping

Oct 27, 7:34 AM (ET)

By Ed Stoddard

DALLAS (Reuters) - A new poll shows support for the war in Iraq is slipping among white evangelical Protestants, previously a key pillar of support for President George W. Bush's conduct of the conflict.

The poll is the latest bad domestic news for Bush and the Republicans about Iraq with just 12 days to go to congressional elections in which the Democrats are widely expected to capture control of the House of Representatives.

Conducted by the PEW Research Center, it found that 58 percent of white evangelical Protestants surveyed felt the United States made the right decision in using force in Iraq to oust Saddam Hussein, below the 71 percent in a previous poll in September.

The thing with Evangelicals is that they will feel there is no choice. Take for instance the race in Tennessee between Coker and Ford. I think Coker will win because Ford is characterized as a Playboy party goer who would not stand up for the values engrained in most Tennesseans. I could be wrong but I think that is the way it will be. Most will vote for Coker even if they don't agree with him on the war.......They'll hold their noses and vote for him as the lesser of two bad choices.
Damn, worrked more about a playboy than people dying. Some nose holding for sure.

You're right us, but that is the way I think they will vote. I have talked to some about the war and they are something like:

"We are in there (some say for wrong and still some say for right reasons.....depends) and need to find a way out. A vote for a democrat won't change the approach that much as Bush has already indicated a change in strategy looming ahead, whatever that is. But immoral behavior that one hasn't left behind them is indicative of character.

Whatever the illogic of that thinking, that is the way so many of the "Christian" group I talk to are saying.........or something like it anyway.
Ahhh, Well I can't agree with those types, and I do not believe Bush would come up with a war strategy change right before the election either. I believe that to be just empty rhetoric. But then I don't believe in the tooth fairy either.
The thing with Evangelicals is that they will feel there is no choice. Take for instance the race in Tennessee between Coker and Ford. I think Coker will win because Ford is characterized as a Playboy party goer who would not stand up for the values engrained in most Tennesseans. I could be wrong but I think that is the way it will be. Most will vote for Coker even if they don't agree with him on the war.......They'll hold their noses and vote for him as the lesser of two bad choices.

How DARE a single, unmarried man like Ford try to date attractive and pretty women! How unchristian!
How DARE a single, unmarried man like Ford try to date attractive and pretty women! How unchristian!

Haha........not a problem in most cases is it?;) But I suspect they'll view it not so much that he wants to date attractive and pretty women but the "Playboy" association will be what will be damning. I'm telling you I don't agree with all of them (I wouldn't be going to Playboy parties either) but I live among these people and that is how they think.
Haha........not a problem in most cases is it?;) But I suspect they'll view it not so much that he wants to date attractive and pretty women but the "Playboy" association will be what will be damning. I'm telling you I don't agree with all of them (I wouldn't be going to Playboy parties either) but I live among these people and that is how they think.

Porn star Marey Carey attended two well-publicized Bush fundraising events. The southern conservative bush-fans remained dead silent on that.

Methinks, these people are just fishing for a reason -any reason - to not vote for a black democrat. "Principles" and "values" has little to do with it.
You could have a point there Cypress, that is another aspect of many fine Tenessesee citizens, civilized rascism. Kept pretty well hidden, but still there.
Ahhh, Well I can't agree with those types, and I do not believe Bush would come up with a war strategy change right before the election either. I believe that to be just empty rhetoric. But then I don't believe in the tooth fairy either.

Haven't you heard about his "secret plan' for Iraq?

I was so excited when i first heard about it, and yet...it seemed so familar. When had I heard this before, this "secret plan"?

It's almost as if another republican had a secret plan for getting us out of another war and it ended up that the secret plan was to bomb cambodia...err, I mean Iran.

But you know, for the life of me, I just couldn't put my finger on the guy's name.
The thing with Evangelicals is that they will feel there is no choice. Take for instance the race in Tennessee between Coker and Ford. I think Coker will win because Ford is characterized as a Playboy party goer who would not stand up for the values engrained in most Tennesseans. I could be wrong but I think that is the way it will be. Most will vote for Coker even if they don't agree with him on the war.......They'll hold their noses and vote for him as the lesser of two bad choices.
Which only goes to prove that the "values" (sic) emraced by most Tennesseeans are ugly, stupid and destructive. They are emotionally and intellectually childish people unworthy of respect . . . or the franchise.

We should have let the South secede when we had the chance: we'd be better off today.
Which only goes to prove that the "values" (sic) emraced by most Tennesseeans are ugly, stupid and destructive. They are emotionally and intellectually childish people unworthy of respect . . . or the franchise.

We should have let the South secede when we had the chance: we'd be better off today.

A breath of fresh air! I couldn't agree more. I will personally throw them a huge farethewell bash, if they give it one more try.
A breath of fresh air! I couldn't agree more. I will personally throw them a huge farethewell bash, if they give it one more try.

Nah, Darla. Give it time.

Year by year, generation by generation, the old racists like Dixie are dying off. I'd say that when people in Dixie's generation - 40 years and older - are finally gone, and their influence on their children diminishes, things will be better in the south.

As for the pro-bush Christian racists (Bob Jones, Jerry Falwell, etc), we need another solution. Those quacks are alwasy going to be around. Perhaps drafting them, and sending them all of to die in their war in Iraq?

sarcasm alert!
Nah, Darla. Give it time.

Year by year, generation by generation, the old racists like Dixie are dying off. I'd say that when people in Dixie's generation - 40 years and older - are finally gone, and their influence on their children diminishes, things will be better in the south.

As for the pro-bush Christian racists (Bob Jones, Jerry Falwell, etc), we need another solution. Those quacks are alwasy going to be around. Perhaps drafting them, and sending them all of to die in their war in Iraq?

sarcasm alert!

Dixie is a bleeting, paternalistic moron who believes women and blacks have the great white man to thank for the rights they were denied (by the white man) and had to fight tooth and nail for.

I suspect he's not alone in those parts.

I'm fine with sending them all to Iraq. Let them bleet over there.
Dixie is a bleeting, paternalistic moron who believes women and blacks have the great white man to thank for the rights they were denied (by the white man) and had to fight tooth and nail for.


I just ran across some old posts on FP where Dixie said that in the 1860s, the south really did want to get rid of slavery, its just that nobody - and certainly not the North or Lincoln- were helping them enough, to find ways to replace free labor. The poor south!

And that segregationists really weren't racists.
Dixie is a bleeting, paternalistic moron who believes women and blacks have the great white man to thank for the rights they were denied (by the white man) and had to fight tooth and nail for.


I just ran across some old posts on FP where Dixie said that in the 1860s, the south really did want to get rid of slavery, its just that nobody - and certainly not the North or Lincoln- were helping them enough, to find ways to replace free labor. The poor south!

And that segregationists really weren't racists.

I'm not surprised.
Nah, Darla. Give it time.

Year by year, generation by generation, the old racists like Dixie are dying off. I'd say that when people in Dixie's generation - 40 years and older - are finally gone, and their influence on their children diminishes, things will be better in the south.

As for the pro-bush Christian racists (Bob Jones, Jerry Falwell, etc), we need another solution. Those quacks are alwasy going to be around. Perhaps drafting them, and sending them all of to die in their war in Iraq?

sarcasm alert!
Piffle! They've had a hundred and forty years to get their shit together and still can't manage it. They just pass their sick "culture" (sic) on to the next generation of degenerates. I say it's time to pull the plug . . . and all federal funds with it. They must take Texas when they go: that's non-negotiable.

Give 'em their walking papers and, say, five years to get things up and running. Any citizen who wants to stay in the United States would have that long to move north or west. Hell, we could even subsidize the move for any African-American families. In fact, it's the least we could do.
