U.S./Israel - the more you know.


Shaken, not stirred!
I remember the right wing wailing like banshees when presidential candidate Al Gore had a campaign donor with ties to China. "Influence, compromised!" they cried. Yet the following is met with a "So what" shrug:

I remember the right wing wailing like banshees when presidential candidate Al Gore had a campaign donor with ties to China. "Influence, compromised!" they cried. Yet the following is met with a "So what" shrug:

She's a typical progressive leftist retard. Foreign countries have tried to influence politics in other nations as long as humanity had organized societies. She singles Israel out for this. How retarded is that? She wouldn't give a shit, and would probably even applaud Israel if they were paying money into Leftist groups she likes.
' Singles Israel out ' is the mantra of the genocidal prosemite in retreat.
Israel got El Trumpo elected. Everybody blamed ' Russian interference '

Haw, haw................................haw.
She's a typical progressive leftist retard. Foreign countries have tried to influence politics in other nations as long as humanity had organized societies. She singles Israel out for this. How retarded is that? She wouldn't give a shit, and would probably even applaud Israel if they were paying money into Leftist groups she likes.
Calling her a name does NOT disprove the FACTS she has referenced. Also, trying to dimiss/minimize the hold AIPAC has on our congress with the lame and generalized "what-about-ism" doesn't cut it either. And once again, you throw in your useless opinion, supposition and conjecture as if it's a fact.

If you can't logically refute or disprove all or any of the facts based points she's put forth, then your just blowing smoke out of your butt as usual.
So she uses a whole lot of unconnected, gobbledy gook gibberish just to say ... she wants "Palestine's" borders to be from the "river to the sea". And you agree with her because you are a Jew hating democrat, socialist Touchy Libtard.


Meanwhile ....

"Research for Sale: How Chinese Money Flows to American Universities

Contracts were valued at $2.32 billion between 2012 and 2024, amid concerns in Congress that the academic ties could pose a national-security risk"​

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