U.S. let al-Qaida deepen roots



This well respected think tank says Bush has

U.S. let al-Qaida deepen roots, group claims
In its annual report, think tank is pessimistic about Middle East

LONDON - A respected think tank concluded Wednesday that the United States has lost influence as a result of failings over the Iraq war, encouraging its detractors — including Iran and Russia — and jeopardizing stability in Asia and the Middle East.

In its annual report on global security, the International Institute of Strategic Studies painted a bleak picture of conflict in the Middle East, an emboldened al-Qaida and growing Islamic radicalism across Europe. New European leaders offer hope of a fresh approach in the fight against terrorism, the report said, but success is unlikely with the White House struggling to command global respect.

With weak leadership from Washington, "the risk is that simmering international tensions will spill over and endanger global prosperity," the report said.
"With weak leadership from Washington, "the risk is that simmering international tensions will spill over and endanger global prosperity," the report said."

Great work!

Conservatives are always making fun of our concern that we're pissing off the world community, as though a big ol' superpower like America shouldn't care what anyone thinks...
“Our nation stands alone right now in the world in terms of power. And that’s why we’ve got to be humble and yet project strength in a way that promotes freedom… If we’re an arrogant nation, they’ll view us that way, but if we’re a humble nation, they’ll respect us.”

This is a Bush quote from 2000 in his second debate with Gore
have a better plan?..please bring us all up to speed..this should be good...or not!...lmao

No one listened to me when I said not to invade Iraq.
I was called unamerican, traitor, etc
By Dano and many others.

It is up to you now that called me names and ridiculed my plan.
Sorry I only provide one plan per war.

AQ is the bushcorps best buddies. Bushco's ambitions could not be acompolished without an enemy like AQ to fearmonger about.
Why would they want to get rid of their best asset ?
No one listened to me when I said not to invade Iraq.
I was called unamerican, traitor, etc
By Dano and many others.

It is up to you now that called me names and ridiculed my plan.
Sorry I only provide one plan per war.

AQ is the bushcorps best buddies. Bushco's ambitions could not be acompolished without an enemy like AQ to fearmonger about.
Why would they want to get rid of their best asset ?

Its basically like when you're a passenger in a car, and you tell the driver he's going to fast and headed for a cliff.

As the car careens out of control off the cliff, the driver looks at you and yells: "Well, what was YOUR plan!!!"

yeah strange how so many "independents" and "Libertarians" have bailed off the bush bus in the last year or so.

As the study said whiney kids grow up to be republicans.
“Our nation stands alone right now in the world in terms of power. And that’s why we’ve got to be humble and yet project strength in a way that promotes freedom… If we’re an arrogant nation, they’ll view us that way, but if we’re a humble nation, they’ll respect us.”

This is a Bush quote from 2000 in his second debate with Gore

Agreed, when he thought he could concentrate on domestic issues, he had no intention of focusing on nation building or wars. Truth is, he intended to change Clinton's domestic focus, not international. 9/11 changed all of that.

I worked on his campaign. I was asked to go down to FL for chad counting in November. I was glad with the SCOTUS ruling. I was very disappointed in his first 8 months in office. He had zip to do internationally, save the coming agenda to make the US and Mexico one.

I was shocked and relieved by his reaction to the attacks. Still am. He still sucks regarding borders and many other issues.
Bush and his backers keep trying to tie them together thru intentionl deception.

And it is not like Bush did not use 911 to leverage his Iraq invasion.
Bush and his backers keep trying to tie them together thru intentionl deception.

And it is not like Bush did not use 911 to leverage his Iraq invasion.

Actually they didn't, but you would ignore that. Your take supports your 'take' much better.

This well respected think tank says Bush has

U.S. let al-Qaida deepen roots, group claims
In its annual report, think tank is pessimistic about Middle East

LONDON - A respected think tank concluded Wednesday that the United States has lost influence as a result of failings over the Iraq war, encouraging its detractors — including Iran and Russia — and jeopardizing stability in Asia and the Middle East.

In its annual report on global security, the International Institute of Strategic Studies painted a bleak picture of conflict in the Middle East, an emboldened al-Qaida and growing Islamic radicalism across Europe. New European leaders offer hope of a fresh approach in the fight against terrorism, the report said, but success is unlikely with the White House struggling to command global respect.

With weak leadership from Washington, "the risk is that simmering international tensions will spill over and endanger global prosperity," the report said.

Could we have had a worse president, or a more disasterous stupid and unneccessary war?
Agreed, when he thought he could concentrate on domestic issues, he had no intention of focusing on nation building or wars. Truth is, he intended to change Clinton's domestic focus, not international. 9/11 changed all of that.

I worked on his campaign. I was asked to go down to FL for chad counting in November. I was glad with the SCOTUS ruling. I was very disappointed in his first 8 months in office. He had zip to do internationally, save the coming agenda to make the US and Mexico one.

I was shocked and relieved by his reaction to the attacks. Still am. He still sucks regarding borders and many other issues.

He didn't get bin laden, he let him escape at tora bora, he diverted our resources to a country that had nothing to do with al qaeda or 9/11, and his own intelligence agencies say that al qaeda is as strong now, as they were on september 10, 2001. Six years later. I give that an "F" for a grade.
Umm in a way the war is necessary in some peoples view to sustain our oil guzzling way of life.
I personally think there was another route, but with those this way or that republicans in power they could not see it.