U.S. Secretary of State: “The True Face of the Chinese Communist Party Has Been Expos


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(continued from last post)

Protecting the U.S. Against the CCP

In the last part of his interview, Pompeo said that after the pandemic, people have begun to see how corrupt the CCP’s institutions are and how their state-owned enterprises compete in ways that people hadn't fully recognized even a few years ago.

“So you have begun to see supply chains shift to other places. I think there is a deeper recognition amongst the business community today of the political risks of operating inside of China in ways that there weren’t two or three years ago."

Pompeo said that during his six years as a Congressman and four years in the Trump administration, every experience he's had suggests that “anything but distrusting anything that comes from the Chinese Communist Party is folly.”

“They have broken promise after promise after promise – not just promises to the United States, promises to the world, promises to the people of Hong Kong, promises to their own people in mainland China.”

“Time after time after time. The Chinese Communist Party promises that if they have a virus problem that they’ll disclose it. The list is endless. They still, to this day, haven’t allowed the World Health Organization to begin its investigation of where this virus emanated from, and yet they promised they would.”

Talking about whether the CCP has interfered with the U.S. general election, Pompeo commented that he can’t say much, and he trusts that the intelligence community would do their job and publish a report as appropriate. At the same time, he emphasized that the American people should be aware of the all-around presence of the CCP, including in schools, clubs and civic organizations.

“The Chinese Communist Party clearly lobbies hard, works hard, they have consulates across America where their diplomats are engaged in behavior that’s inconsistent with what we’re supposed to do as diplomats. We shut down one of them because we – it was very clear that they were running a spy operation out of the consulate in Houston.”

“But the American people just need to be on guard in the sense of we need to be aware that the Chinese Communist Party is not acting in a way that is in America’s interest, and the leadership of the United States has to be very clear with the American people about that,” Pompeo said.
