U.S. seniors fight off muggers, killing one

I found the story highly amusing despite the fact one guy died. Those punks probably thought they were easy targets! Guess again.
Going to Costa Rica this winter for a wedding. Guess if our Seniors can handle the local ruffians, we got little to worry about :D
LOL, You don't know enough seniors then. I would rather go up against a youngster with a gun or kinfe anyday as opposed to an oldster. The oldster will kill ya, the punk will run like those did if you show some backbone.

My grandmaw carried a pistol in her apron pocket till the day she diedof old age complications. And that woman would shoot ya. And had done so in the past. But they needed shootin ;)
US.... my point was not that seniors are feeble... rather it was that if Seniors could scare off the punks by fighting back, that we would not have a problem. As I too have no problem beating the hell out of someone that attacks my family or friends.
LOL, You don't know enough seniors then. I would rather go up against a youngster with a gun or kinfe anyday as opposed to an oldster. The oldster will kill ya, the punk will run like those did if you show some backbone.

My grandmaw carried a pistol in her apron pocket till the day she diedof old age complications. And that woman would shoot ya. And had done so in the past. But they needed shootin ;)
An old lady relative of mine worked with the FBI back in the days of prohibition busting "speak-easys." One tough old bird. Some punk with a knife did a push-in, demanded she hand over her money. She no longer had a gun, but she lead him to the kitchen, claiming the money was there.

She busted out all his teeth with the iron skillet.