UCLA Releases Weak Statement About Library "Incident"


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Some of you might have already seen the YouTube video of a UCLA student getting tasered by campus police for not having his ID. This lame statement about the investigation has been released by Acting Chancellor Norman Abrams on the UCLA home page. It has all the buzzwords to tell us that this will get buried under a mountain of bureaucratic BS.

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Geez, what happened to the 10 cents per day fine? That'll teach 'em - bring the books back on time or else!
I saw the video on TV last night. Apparently, when a couple of the students asked for the officers' badge numbers, they also were threatened with being tasered. You could see and hear the cops screaming at the student to "get up, get up" after they'd tasered him 2 or 3 times (he probably couldn't on his own by that time). It looked pretty bad. The student reporter who was interviewed made a heroic effort to be fair and not to offer any conjecture at all. Campus cops often aren't the ones you hope would ever handle anything that might be important.