UFO's Flying Across the Moon 03.21.2019

Part Multi 313

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Moon UFOs are nothing new. Many people with high powered telescopes have filmed moon UFOs. In this video someone films some moon UFOs with a low powered camera. What amazes me is what size these things need to be to show up on a low powered camera. They must be upwards of 30km long and the way they move reminds you of the sprightliness of tiny bugs. The moon is over 2000 km wide through the center and during a full moon you see over 3000 km of its surface at its equator. These UFOs traverse the whole of the moon in mere seconds. Thats several times faster than any rocket humans have sent into space. And the angular turns they take and the speed of their starting and stopping would be impossible for agencies like NASA to accomplish. Yet, these things are quite common to spot if you got the right equipment.

Imagine flying a ship that was 30km long.
The third object is probably an earthbound satellite as it moves in an even straight line across the screen and is quite large in comparison to object 1 and object 2. Talk about coincidence.
As a skeptic one could say that since the moon was low on the horizon object 1 and object 2 could be drones flown barely inside the detectable reach of the camera. But then again drones arent known for flying diagonally.