Meditation, I am serious, it has done wonders in my life. I have learned and practiced the method enough now, that I can de stress myself where ever I am , even if it is in the Target parking lot in Reno after having a political blow out with my sister. The old me would have pouted and stayed mad and made the rest of the day miserable for everyone. The new me relaxed and the thought that came to me, you don't have to be right, to be happy!
I like the guided imagery by Sounds True called Anxiety Relief. It is wonderful, so calming.
This doesn't change the situation, but it changes you and the way you are able to deal with bad situations!
What do you do, if I may be nosey. I now watch my two grandbabies and meditation helps, a lot! The almost three year old is very busy and super intelligent. She is a constant challenge! She is teaching herself to read. it is amazing to watch. She already knows all the sounds the letters make and now we are working on blends! I love it that I am able to do this for them.