Uh-Oh The Bloom Is Starting To Fade From The DeSantis Rose


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It was Kelen McBreen who wrote at Infowars about the provision and pointed out that Gov. Ron DeSantis told state residents a short time ago, "In Florida, your personal choice regarding vaccinations will be protected and no business or government entity will be able to deny you services based on your decision."

The vaccinations, however, under Section 315 of Chapter 381 of the state's public health law, can be forced.

"The legislature says any order given to police by the State Health Officer that helps force-vaccinate a person is immediately enforceable," the report said.

Law lets government vaccinate unwilling 'by any means necessary'
Stunner revealed in new Florida statute
By Bob Unruh
Published June 24, 2021 at 11:50am


The Guv can prove me wrong by writing an EO prohibiting forced vaccination. The RIGHT to refuse should be absolute. The Eric Hoffer quotation at the end of my messages should be every Republican’s guide to good government.

Republican Governor Ron DeSantis might also look into passengers RETURNING on cruise ships being forced to get vaccinated in order to disembark:

Regardless of which state a cruise ship goes to, the federal government can and will deny:


Q - my vessel is healthy and I request free practique
