

Will work for Scooby snacks

The GOP (better know apparently as the Grandfathers and OldFogey’s Party) is alienating and losing young Americans like never before.

After all, this younger generation is the most diverse and tolerant generation in American history: two things that don’t really mesh well within the GOP. This generation is more tolerant of sexual orientation, race, and multiculturalism, than any American generation before it. I don’t think Fox New’s “War on Easter” specials is going to frighten them into being GOPers. GOPers appear to be averse to hipness and technology: witness the liberal dominance of internet grass roots, and the GOP prez candidates aversion to YouTube debates. It may not be the most critical thing in the world, but it makes them look like out of touch fogeys. Bill Maher and Jon Stewart? Hippest thing on television. And decidedly non-republican. And hip is to republicans, like sunlight is to vampires.

The GOP is losing constituencies that were prime for them to pick off: Hispanics, Muslim Americans, and Asians. African-Americans have almost completely rejected the GOP. Young people evidently don't largely share the GOP's southern social conservative values.

The Dems, lame as they are, could still blow it. But, the party of Jerry Falwell, George Bush, Pat Roberts, Tom Delay, and Trent Lott, has a lot of ground to make up before it becomes the Party of Angry Old White Men:

Who is Doing a Better Job?

(Democracy Corps poll of young people)

-Paying attention to issues that affect younger people: Dems 60% - GOP 21%

-The environment: Dems 63% - GOP 25%

-Health care: Dems 61% - GOP 26%

-Situation in Iraq: Dems 60% - GOP 27%

-Becoming energy independent: Dems 59% - GOP 27%

-The federal budget: Dems 55% - GOP 30%

-Economy and jobs: Dems 57% - GOP 33%

-War on Terrorism: Dems 55% - GOP 34%

-Sharing your values: Dems 52% - GOP 37%

-Taxes: Dems 50% - GOP 37%

-The gun issue: Dems 44% - GOP 40%


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The internet is a great equaler. Young people now know people from ohter countries on a regular basis.

They know more about other cultures first hand from knowing individuals.

Its hard to keep them from the new ideas even down on the farm.
Watermark's name is also Alex?

And I didn't know we were at risk of a giant "crater" hurtling through space impacting earth and destroying our generation.