APP - uk police shoot blind man with a taser

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
they thought that his cane contained a samurai sword

A blind man carrying a white cane received a 50,000-volt Taser shock from British police who thought his walking stick was a samurai sword.
"It felt like I was grabbing an electricity pylon," 61-year-old Colin Farmer told the BBC.
Lancashire police officer Stuart Williams said authorities had received several calls describing a man walking through the streets carrying a samurai sword.
"One of the officers who arrived in Chorley believed he had located the offender," Williams said. "Despite asking the man to stop, he failed to do so and the officer discharged his Taser."
However, even in offering an explanation, Williams said the police had "deep regrets" over the incident and says the Independent Police Complaints Commission has launched an investigation into the matter.
"We have clearly put this man through a traumatic experience, and we are extremely sorry for that," Williams said.
In fact, Farmer says he thought the police were criminals attempting to mug him when the assault took place. He said that once police approached him, he became "absolutely terrified," and repeatedly attempted to inform them that he was blind.
"I walk at a snail's pace. They could have walked past me, driven past me in a van or said: 'Drop your weapon,'" he said.
move along, nothing to see here. The complaints commission will find that the police are lacking in sensitivity training and weapons identification. they'll mandate more training, costing millions of dollars, and the proles of england will 'feel' safer.