UKIP in the news

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster


Immigration officials raided an Indian restaurant in Bournemouth during a Ukip party conference dinner - sending the chef fleeing into the night, "apron flapping in the wind".

Lisa Duffy had taken her campaign team out for a curry in Bournemouth after finding out she lost in her bid to replace Nigel Farage as leader.

But when the group turned up to the seaside restaurant, a group of border officials emerged from the kitchen.

Ukip has long campaigned for tougher border checks to crackdown on illegal immigration and ensure that only legal migrants can live and work in the UK.

Staff at the restaurant were asked to check whether they had the right to live and work in the UK, and no action was taken against the business as the employer proved that pre-employment checks had been taken.
Douglas Carswell claimed Nigel Farage cost the party up to 11 seats in the Commons, renewing infighting.

The Ukip MP said Farage's 'shock and awful' tactics at the General Election had left him sitting alone in the Commons when they could have won more seats.

The Eurosceptic party under performed in a string of constituencies at the 2015 election meaning that while they scored many votes across the country they only racked up a winning score in Carswell's seat.