Ukrainians fleeing conscription. Will you fight the Russians in their place ?


Satire for Sanity
If not, stfu.

Any government that would FORCE its people to fight is not worth fighting for.


'Overlooking the Black Sea in the southern city of Odesa, Tania quietly murmured that she understood why her friends and family did not want to fight.
Her father was killed on the front line in October, during the attritional battle for Avdiivka, and the 24-year-old is now terrified of her new husband being conscripted. “I don’t want this to happen to my family twice,” she said.
More than two years into the war, almost everyone knows someone who has been killed. Grim news has poured out from the front, of Ukraine being vastly outnumbered and outgunned.
Over the phone, the couple’s friend of 15 years, Maksym, relayed such tales. Among the dead are around a dozen of his friends and acquaintances. “There are more than a million police officers in Ukraine, why should I fight when they are not?" he said.
Maksym, who has a young daughter and wife who is seven months pregnant, said he was sorry to miss the wedding but was afraid of being “grabbed” by conscription officers who he likened to “bandits”. '

This war- ALL wars- are as a result of the sick ideals of a few men. Once in power they butt heads with the sick ideals of a few men somewhere else - and we are all supposed to fight to the death for them. Fuck that.
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'Overlooking the Black Sea in the southern city of Odesa, Tania quietly murmured that she understood why her friends and family did not want to fight.
Her father was killed on the front line in October, during the attritional battle for Avdiivka, and the 24-year-old is now terrified of her new husband being conscripted. “I don’t want this to happen to my family twice,” she said.
More than two years into the war, almost everyone knows someone who has been killed. Grim news has poured out from the front, of Ukraine being vastly outnumbered and outgunned.
Over the phone, the couple’s friend of 15 years, Maksym, relayed such tales. Among the dead are around a dozen of his friends and acquaintances. “There are more than a million police officers in Ukraine, why should I fight when they are not?" he said.
Maksym, who has a young daughter and wife who is seven months pregnant, said he was sorry to miss the wedding but was afraid of being “grabbed” by conscription officers who he likened to “bandits”. '
Shut Up!
Comfy American armchair generals might not believe it- but Ukrainians do,

MOSCOW, June 17. /TASS/. Russian troops struck Ukrainian army units and military hardware in 110 areas over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Monday.

"Operational/tactical aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile troops and artillery of the Russian groups of forces inflicted damage on massed enemy manpower and military equipment in 110 locations," the ministry said in a statement.

Kiev loses 300 troops in Kharkov area over past day
The Ukrainian army lost roughly 300 troops in battles with Russian forces in the Kharkov area over the past day, the ministry reported.

Russia’s Battlegroup North units "improved their forward edge positions and inflicted casualties on manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 42nd mechanized, 57th motorized infantry, 71st infantry, 105th and 125th territorial defense brigades in areas near the settlements of Volchansk, Glubokoye, Sinelnikovo and Liptsy in the Kharkov Region. In addition, they repelled a counterattack by an assault group of the 36th marine infantry brigade," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in the Kharkov direction over the past 24 hours amounted to 300 personnel, four pickup trucks, a 152mm D-20 howitzer, a 122mm D-30 howitzer and a BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher, it specified.

Ukrainian army loses 405 troops in Kupyansk area over past day
The Ukrainian army lost roughly 405 troops in battles with Russian forces in the Kupyansk area over the past day, the ministry reported.