Ultimate Theory: Threedee is actually brent


on indefiniate mod break
The facts:

They are both from washington
They both are obsessed with boobs and scrumptious lady friends
Brent would always use :mad:, 3d uses lots of emoticons too.
They are basically the same age.

BTW Grind, this is a new low for you.

Have you ever considered that guys from Washington just happen to appreciate boobs and scrumptious lady friends (???) while guys from Massachusetts just happen to be gay?

Also, the mad emoticon has never been part of my reportoire until you provoked me just now. And you are closer in age to Brent than I am. I believe you guys are the same age in fact, while I am a year younger.

Finally, I would never pretend to be a Mormon or really anything non-Orthodox for that matter. I would never have created the Skinhead troll either. Brent is a creepy bloke.

And while I know you are joking, I felt a response to this particular dig was necessary. If you had called me LadyT, I think it would have been alright.

And yes, boobs do rule:

Brent was a nice enough guy when I met him at the shop up there 4 years ago. I actually feel bad for the words I said about him here at the board since. But since he's a Jesus guy, I know he forgives me, even though he wishes for me to go to hell for eternal merciless torture at the hands of an ever merciful god.
ε O 3;566263 said:
The facts:

They are both from washington
They both are obsessed with boobs and scrumptious lady friends
Brent would always use :mad:, 3d uses lots of emoticons too.
They are basically the same age.

and there both virgins.
Brent was a nice enough guy when I met him at the shop up there 4 years ago. I actually feel bad for the words I said about him here at the board since. But since he's a Jesus guy, I know he forgives me, even though he wishes for me to go to hell for eternal merciless torture at the hands of an ever merciful god.

LOL He once gave me an open door invitation to Mill Creek, but I never took him up on it. I'm the opposite of Brent when it comes to being a Jesus guy: I don't forgive you, and I don't care what becomes of your afterlife.


and there they're both virgins.

At least this virgin can spell. :yay: