Ultimatebet.net rocks!!


I played one of the freeroll tournaments with over 4000 players and I got 5th place and a shot at a bigger tournament this sunday. Wish me luck. If I make the top 30 again, I have a shot at another tournament which is for a $10,000 buy in and a TV appearence on some show. LOL Know when to hold em! Know when to fold em!
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Here's my email from UB

Congratulations nicklebag!

You have been automatically registered for the BDPS Weekly Qualifier tournament. This
event begins online on Sunday April 20, 2008 at 07:35:00 PM (Eastern).

Please log in and be ready to play 10 minutes prior to the start of the tournament.
Players may be unable to join a table once play begins so be prompt. For reference, our
official time can be found in the lower right corner of the game.

Note that because you won your seat into this event through one of our feeder
tournaments, you will not be able to unregister. This seat is a ""must
play"" seat and has no cash value.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Have fun!

Customer Support.