APP - UN definition of genocide

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
"While precise [ame=""]definition varies among genocide scholars[/ame], a [ame=""]legal[/ame] definition is found in the 1948 [ame=""]United Nations[/ame] [ame=""]Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide[/ame] (CPPCG). Article 2 of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a [ame=""]national[/ame], [ame=""]ethnical[/ame], racial or [ame=""]religious[/ame] group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

THE 'IN PART' or 'MEMBERS' verbage may mean anything from one to almost all as neither 'in part' nor 'members' is not quantified...hence any nation that boycotts or even casts aspersions (causing mental harm') on another may be deemed to have committed genocide
"While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2 of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

THE 'IN PART' or 'MEMBERS' verbage may mean anything from one to almost all as neither 'in part' nor 'members' is not quantified...hence any nation that boycotts or even casts aspersions (causing mental harm') on another may be deemed to have committed genocide

But you're still a mass murderer.
Asshate: How precisely is DQ a mass murderer?

DQ: Nice job there of undermining the legal text. I recommend creating a huge international case out of this by writing lots of letters.
Asshate: How precisely is DQ a mass murderer?

DQ: Nice job there of undermining the legal text. I recommend creating a huge international case out of this by writing lots of letters.

He advocates mass murder.

he beleives the systematic murder of palestinians is "evolution in action". He's stated this before and doesn't deny it.
He advocates mass murder.

he beleives the systematic murder of palestinians is "evolution in action". He's stated this before and doesn't deny it.

While a weird thing to say, did he say this in a condoning fashion, or are you just acting sheltered as usual? DQ just has a thing for shock value is all, like you do when you shout someone down with a bizarre insult. Evolution is just what it is.
While a weird thing to say, did he say this in a condoning fashion, or are you just acting sheltered as usual? DQ just has a thing for shock value is all, like you do when you shout someone down with a bizarre insult. Evolution is just what it is.

He said it in a condoning fashion.
Oh, well... that sucks. Perhaps he will explain this to us.

usually i explain nothing, but this one is for real

if you see a big mean guy or just anyone that is bigger than you and you walk up to that person and do something obnoxious to them and they slap you down or kill you, you have done a foolish act and i would consider it evolution in action

fools among the palestinians launch rockets into israel and get other palestinians killed

the other palesinians do not rein in the rocket launching people

qed evolution in action...if you do something seriously foolish and get yourself or others killed

ahz was referring to 3000+ palestinians killed as genocide

3000 is not much among a population of over 1 million compared to say darfur where over 500,000 were killed - that is genocide
usually i explain nothing, but this one is for real

if you see a big mean guy or just anyone that is bigger than you and you walk up to that person and do something obnoxious to them and they slap you down or kill you, you have done a foolish act and i would consider it evolution in action

fools among the palestinians launch rockets into israel and get other palestinians killed

the other palesinians do not rein in the rocket launching people

qed evolution in action...if you do something seriously foolish and get yourself or others killed

ahz was referring to 3000+ palestinians killed as genocide

3000 is not much among a population of over 1 million compared to say darfur where over 500,000 were killed - that is genocide

Genocide is more about intent than numbers.
usually i explain nothing, but this one is for real

if you see a big mean guy or just anyone that is bigger than you and you walk up to that person and do something obnoxious to them and they slap you down or kill you, you have done a foolish act and i would consider it evolution in action

fools among the palestinians launch rockets into israel and get other palestinians killed

the other palesinians do not rein in the rocket launching people

qed evolution in action...if you do something seriously foolish and get yourself or others killed

ahz was referring to 3000+ palestinians killed as genocide

3000 is not much among a population of over 1 million compared to say darfur where over 500,000 were killed - that is genocide

On the other hand, it's foolish to go on a zealous mission in an area of the world surrounded by enemies where you have merely a tenuous mythological claim to sovereignty, and expect everyone to fall in line with your delusional thinking.
Genocide is more about intent than numbers.

then why the current halt of hostilities

hamas has proclaimed the complete extermination of israel

still, i hope bho may be able to get a palestinian state and israel and palestine to stop the holtilites on a more permanent basis