somebody who quotes a piece of shit propaganda site like the Spectator automatically wins. I can see why right wing losers and trump stooges in general might automatically try to insult their betters when it comes to them being democrats, but whoever wrote this stupid fuck article included fox anchor chris wallace in the mix, i guess because his head is not up trump's fat ass where all the other fox anchor's heads are and that bothers him.
Bulletdud frequents all of those righty coward hiding places.
Can we please get this guy a tutor so we can stop reliving JR. high?
Trump supporters are all assholes and traitors.
And biter supporters are all retard and idiots ready to sell America out to china and Iran and Russia like biter O bung hole and Hillary did.
You talk like a baby.
Awwww the retard is upset is it going to cry or poo in its pants , poor thing
Good rebuttal.
You talk like a baby.
Just when I think that Sailor or Smarterthanyou or a few other RW tards are the stupidest motherfuckers on this forum, along comes this idiot to challenge for number one.