APP - Understanding 2020 Election Theft in Six Easy Steps


Clearly the fist was in on using Dominion and mail in votes to steal the election in key states. That is why they were able to keep Buyden from campaigning. He was worse than Crooked Hillary and they knew they were going to steal it.

This is how it went down and is going down

1) The fix is in using Dominion voting machines and Wu Flu panic porn to push fraudulent mail in ballots
2) Trump's voter turnout machine overwhelmed the fix. He was on his way to a landslide re-election.
3) They had to halt the election; media wouldn't call states for Trump and Arizona called early
4) Vote counting stop in five battleground states which has never happened before
5) Algorithm reprogrammed to steal more votes from Trump
6) Demalquedacrats and their media handlers go into overdrive declaring Buyden the victor