Understanding my specific time and place existing as displaced conceived to decompose


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in this atmosphere uniquely me.

Each of us were trained same way every generation gap of this species was educated to believe life is too difficult to understand while individually here.

Every homo sapien was taught to believe this species is exceptional and every ancestor is exempt from natural time adapting as displaced ancestrally here since civilization corrupted each great great grandchild arrived one at a time replacing its 30 previous generation DNA donors.

Everyone protects their faith life is larger than evolving individually here on moral grounds of social consensus, legal precedence, ethics, ethnicity, intellectual rule of law minus each lifetime shares common instinctive behaviors adapting in series parallel space in the same moment here as specifically conceived in ever changing numbers alive in each category of generation gap or never changed generation gap cradle to grave.

Every ancestor never became a parent became extinct when died. Those that did have child/ren had 50% of their chromosomes left alive in each in their "descendents" that lived longer than their parents. That was the order of second generation after inception of ancestral lineages(family trees), creeds(colonial ideologies), color(races), gender biases(asexual, male, female body type of each ancestor living), national origin(geographical area) evolved since inception until migrating beyond longitude and latitude grid in this atmosphere.

3rd generation(grandchildren, 4th generation great grandchildren, 5th generation great great grandchildren, 6th generation most every original arrivals died leaving 5 generation gaps living at the same time each is evolving so far.

Cycles of living in the "Circle of Live" as numbers inhabiting space now. Specificity to living one at a time here adapting around and between each other's lineages never same people added twice.

Simple compounding chromosomes created eternal separation to numbers present regardless species in a food chain native to its atmosphere when universally present now.

SELF EVIDENT RESULTS denied historically here from within one species destroying itself pretending humanity is larger than population here now. Karma and corruption never corrected to date.

When those never learning from their own behavior defending ideas until dead come hell or high water will destroy themselves drowned in their own self deception practiced traditionally believing nobody knew what their brain was navigating while occupying time here so far.

Hope, faith, charity suggesting tomorrow happens because of a rotating planet has ancestries protecting ideologies created in conversations about what else is possible and whom leads everyone else defending human rights to never accept limitations adapting in a perpetual balancing moment timing the numbers apart here now.

...."Leads us not into temptation and deliver us from evil......? What is e v i l but l i v e spelled backwards having history manifest tomorrow's behavior each generation arrived today one at a time governed by speculating living exceeds time adapting as displaced since conceived.

My brain navigates why life is self evident. The social consensus that governed my ancestry was something this species has done to itself throughout history.

Don't tell me to stay in my own lane, when you all invade my time using laws governing my behavior to fulfill your daydreaming state of mind life isn't self evident each ancestor shares Adapting as displaced equally living now.
Still fantasying about negative entropy laboratory manipulations as Christiananality pedophilia more perfect union to Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom......
Still fantasying about negative entropy laboratory manipulations as Christiananality pedophilia more perfect union to Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom......

Still preoccupied ignoring how evolving happens in plain sight as your body is living an example of eternal separation of ancestors adapting as genetically positioned in space now?
Still preoccupied ignoring how evolving happens in plain sight as your body is living an example of eternal separation of ancestors adapting as genetically positioned in space now?

While Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin continues the extermination of Ukraine as Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July Bicentennial "serve the Pope or die" extermination of the USA with pseudoscience mathematics to maintain Christiananality pedophilia in that George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom have to wonder how bungling GI Joe is biding that Islam "death to the infidels" extermination not so master race not so master plan....
While Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin continues the extermination of Ukraine as Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July Bicentennial "serve the Pope or die" extermination of the USA with pseudoscience mathematics to maintain Christiananality pedophilia in that George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom have to wonder how bungling GI Joe is biding that Islam "death to the infidels" extermination not so master race not so master plan....

Regardless the reality of humanity governing people alive, there is one great irony to the idea "Nobody can disprove a negative.". When people believe anything is possible, those ancestries never accept self evident life in plain sight as genetic results only exist as eternally separated now.

What could go wrong in a species never accepting genetics eternally separates the current population adapting as displaced? Rhetorical question as every society repeats the same mistake every generation gap since dawn of civilization using different ideas between each alternate reality present factualizing concepts of parallel universes and different dimensions of evolving forward one at a time now.

Absolute power of suggestion became corrupted absolute persuasion of power "we say so and anyone defying humanity in any reality present will face insubordination, treason, blasphemy against the philosophy anything else is possible.".
Honesty heals everyone corrupted by misinformation, once the misinformation is revealed to have corrupted history since dawn of civilization.

7 sins means, motives, methods, misdirection, mayhem, madness, misery govern against people understanding their own time adapting as displaced since replacing their genetic family lived one at a time in series parallel space adapting to the moment here.

7 ways to understand self evidently never same form twice since a fertilized cell why, what, where, how, when, which, whom one is now per generation gap occupying time here in this atmosphere never same form changed as energy cannot be created or destroyed within this [perpetual balancing space between what erodes and which decomposes forward from here.

direct link reproductions in series parallel time occupying space in plain sight of self and everything outside one's sole [position adapting here so far.