Understanding the Meaning of 'DIVERSITY'


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Public institutions such as schools teaching CRT, sexual deviation, race baiting, and having affirmative action policies do so in the pursuit of the inclusion of 'DIVERSITY'.

What this pursuit of 'Diversity' by the LEFT means that it never again will accomplish anything useful. Behind the euphemisms, "diversity" means "we are putting in unqualified people and pretending they add value." Diversity is a tax to subsidize incompetence.

The only people that love 'DIVERSITY' are the ones that don't have to personally experience it.

Straight from the Libhater's new, corrected and approved 2023 Dictionary
Public institutions such as schools teaching CRT, sexual deviation, race baiting, and having affirmative action policies do so in the pursuit of the inclusion of 'DIVERSITY'.

What this pursuit of 'Diversity' by the LEFT means that it never again will accomplish anything useful. Behind the euphemisms, "diversity" means "we are putting in unqualified people and pretending they add value." Diversity is a tax to subsidize incompetence.

The only people that love 'DIVERSITY' are the ones that don't have to personally experience it.

you're a dumb fuck