Unfettered Arms sales increase under Biden


Satire for Sanity
Unfettered Arms sales increase under Biden


The US was the highest military spender in 2021, with 801 billion US dollars dedicated to the military, equivalent to 30% of the total military spending worldwide that year (2.1 trillion US dollars).

America, the world's largest arms dealer, has approved potential sales of $1.1 billion worth of arms to Taiwan amid heightened tensions with Beijing.

In essence, the US government is the world's largest arms dealer with all the responsibility that it entails.


It's commonly reported that US arms deliveries end up in the hands of ' the enemy '. Arms dealers don't care. That means more wars and more arms sales. Portions of their profits go towards electing and maintaining arms-sales friendly politicians, such as Klepto-Joe.
The current war in Ukraine is arms-sales fueled and billions of dollars more are about to be allocated to that NATO-led conflict along with more billions for Taiwan- a move which is almost certain to cause more war. You can't claim ' defense spending ' when your spending is in another country's back-yard. No, all this ' defense spending ' is aggression spending - and the arms dealers have the US by the balls.
Somebody must have calculated the total spend on Vietnam- which resulted in an ass-kicking by natives.
Somebody must have calculated the total spend on Afghanistan- which resulted in an ass-kicking by natives- but the dealers don't care. The more protracted the wars, the larger the profits.

Meanwhile, while the likes of Klepto Joe and his self-serving cabal lavish billions of dollars on wars designed to promote more wars the country has a decaying infrastructure- trillions of dollars needed- and a growing problem of poverty.
When this must be OBVIOUS to everybody, how is it that the US system of ' democracy ' has culminated in a giant Ponzi scheme with arms dealers at the apex ?
Maybe it's because American voters are scared of the rest of the world. If they're not, they should be.

