APP - "Unfettered Capitalism" - I Love America vs Jarod



You made a comment in the "What country would you flee to" thread about capitalism. Here is your quote.

It is not a fear of corporations, its frustration with corporations. I believe that the system, as set up currently favors those large corporations who successfully promise but do not deliver, choking out those who promise and deliver. With modern day advertising and less ability to check the facts, a corporation can always count on a fresh group of customers rather than depend on repeat business or word of mouth.

The unethical businesses make more money and are then in turn able to choke out the ethical ones. It makes it almost impossible for the consumer to get a good product.

Every industry is different, but this problem is pervasive. I see it in the law, I see it in Medicine, I have recently experienced it in Assisted Living Facilities, the list goes on. The most successful American Restaurants don't sell healthy food, they sell cheap food that can be advertised as a healthy alternative, or simply sold cheap. The "news" media sells lost cost news reporting, not what is important or newsworthy, but what will capture the most attention at the lowest cost to produce. Like I said, its a problem with unfettered capitalism, they corporation that can find a way to trick the consumer into an inferior product wins, and then snuffs out anyone who tries to produce a superior product.

I responded to your post because I hear people on the left talk about "unfettered capitalism", but never really get into specifics. I would like to do so now if you please. Here are a few questions to start us off.

1) Please go into detail how you think the system favors large corporations. I actually agree that the system favors large corporations, but I am interested to know from your perspective what leads to it.

2) Why do you think the public cannot discern whether a company is offering them good value or not?

3) Why do you think the government is better suited to weed out bad companies rather than the market (free people)?

4) Please describe for me what you believe "unfettered capitalism" is and where it exists in our country?
Start this thread somewhere that's not APP and I'll discuss. I don't like the way the rules here are used to manipulate.

I have a meeting but I'll check back in a bit.
No. APP only. This is the only place where others can't get in the way. If I can follow the rules here anyone can. Don't use that as an excuse to not debate
The rules here in the past have been used to prevent me from making valid arguments. I will not waste my time.
