Unfortunately TaiChicklet is not the exception...

Unlike the dishonest assertion made in a thread of similar name, liberal pinheads like TaiChicklet are really not the exception. Most of them are judgmental little pricks who stereotype people, seperate them into groups, and make broad-based assumptions on nothing more than their own bigoted perceptions.

Then they take things out of context, distort the facts, misrepresent what has been said, and claim lies are the truth. Generally, they are supported by one or more other pinheads, who seem to think pinhead consensus actually makes things fact. It's no use arguing with them, because bigoted people are stubborn like that. They live by a completely different set of rules than the rest of us. To them, it is quite alright to lie and distort, as long as it's about the right or conservatives. So any subsequent debate which ensues with someone outside of their left-wing philosophy, is met with denial of fact, suspension of reality, or just complete avoidance of the issue altogether.

Typically, they will try to change the subject when you've nailed them with the facts and proved them to be idiots, because they know they've been bested in the debate, and it's all about saving face. If you don't let them get away with running from the discussion, they will resort to petty name-calling and juvenile insults. This passes in Pinhead World as 'credible' debate. It doesn't matter how many facts you've presented, or how many of their lies you've exposed, it all comes down to who came up with the most creative way to insult someone, and they award extra points to themselves if they can involve your family members in some way.

Yep... they are the RULE and not the exception! Most of them are mental sociopaths, and really do like to see their idiocy splattered all over the board, because it makes them feel more important. They are full of double standards and two-faced hypocrisy, and again, when you call them on it, they just run away, change the subject, or crank up the insult machine. You may think, there is no way in hell they really believe the crap they post, but in 99% of the cases, they believe it totally! They are not joking when they say they wish all cons would crawl in a hole and die, they really do wish there was a hole with conservatives crawling in it and dying, they have dreams about it!
Honestly I don't see the mirror metaphor applying. Conservatives use logic and reason along with honest debate. Guys like taichicklet dance and spin to avoid honest debate.
Honestly I don't see the mirror metaphor applying. Conservatives use logic and reason along with honest debate. Guys like taichicklet dance and spin to avoid honest debate.

What? I mean WHAT? I mean, have you listened to Limbaugh? What about Hannity? Or Dixie...damn son you got balls to say that! LOL