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UNGAR 181 was never binding. In order for a UN General Assembly resolution to be binding, all parties relevant to that resolutions must agree to abide by it. The Arab High Committee for Palestine, along with all the Arab countries that had voted against partition refuses to accept UNGAR 181. Therefore, it was never ratified, so it never became binding.

Under any circumstances, since the Arab High Committee for Palestine rejected UNGAR 181 in 1947, there is no way that its convoluted successor, the PLO, could accept it forty-one years later. How long can a contract offer be valid before it expires? Certainly not 41 years.

When the PLO “accepted” UNGAR 181 (and, supposedly, UNSCR 242) in 1988, they did so out of the political necessity of having become irrelevant to the Arab-Israel conflict since their defeat in Beirut and evacuation to Tunis, where they were bound by the Tunisian government to refrain from organizing, planning or executing terror operations on Tunisian soil.
UNGAR 181 was never binding. In order for a UN General Assembly resolution to be binding, all parties relevant to that resolutions must agree to abide by it. The Arab High Committee for Palestine, along with all the Arab countries that had voted against partition refuses to accept UNGAR 181. Therefore, it was never ratified, so it never became binding.

Under any circumstances, since the Arab High Committee for Palestine rejected UNGAR 181 in 1947, there is no way that its convoluted successor, the PLO, could accept it forty-one years later. How long can a contract offer be valid before it expires? Certainly not 41 years.

When the PLO “accepted” UNGAR 181 (and, supposedly, UNSCR 242) in 1988, they did so out of the political necessity of having become irrelevant to the Arab-Israel conflict since their defeat in Beirut and evacuation to Tunis, where they were bound by the Tunisian government to refrain from organizing, planning or executing terror operations on Tunisian soil.

So the long and short of it is that McMoonshi'ite is totally wrong as per usual.
The UN ignores indiscriminate bombing of non-military targets in Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah.

The UN is useless and the US should shut down the NY facility and boot all diplomats from the country.
So the long and short of it is that McMoonshi'ite is totally wrong as per usual.
Your efforts to upturn law and justice have become more sporadic of late, maggot, as world events highlight your crass, selfish stupidity.
Any authoritative legal opinion regarding 181 will serve to flush you and your mendacious claims .
It is a fact that territory can never be gained through aggression. This is a fundamental foundation of international law.
This means that no territory that was not ascribed to the agreed Jewish homeland under UNGAR 181 is legally occupied by the Zionists.
Therefore the boundaries of that homeland remain the legal boundaries as 181 was accepted by majority vote of the General Assembly. No endorsement by the Security Council was necessary then and is nor necessary now. Arab objections were overruled.

' Overshadowing the arguments in Paragraph 8 above is the undeniable fact that the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact of 1928, as definitively glossed by the International Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1948, has abolished forever the idea of acquisition of territory by military conquest. No matter who was the aggressor, international borders cannot change by the process of war.'
The Legal Boundaries of Israel in International Law
Anthony D'Amato
Leighton Professor of Law
Northwestern University School of Law
After the British P Mandate ended, there was only one legitimate gov't left in the western partition of the mandate, Israel. The only international border was the one established by the British mandate, what we know today as the State of Israel. The eastern Palestine partition is known as Jordan. Jordan exiled the so-called palestinians for trying to assassinate their king and overthrow the Jordanian gov't.

Arab countries violated the useless Kellogg Briand pact, which has no mechanism for enforcement, and illegally took land by military conquest illegally annexing the West Bank and Gaza .