APP - Union of Earth Republics


New member
This is just an idea I am working on. It is long-term (i.e. beyond our lifetimes). I would appreciate any feedback.

The Union of Earth Republics

The Constitution of the new Union of Earth Republics (UER) is the foundational document for the merger of all Earth nations into a single nation. It has many of the features of the United States of America (USA) Constitution with its separation of powers, checks and balances and such. It includes three main branches of government: the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary branches. It is not exclusively Democratic since the Chinese republic remains Communist. The UER is a union of republics, somewhat like the way the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was.

The UER Constitution includes features not available in the USA Constitution. These features include an Equal Rights Amendment, term limits for the UER Legislature, line-item veto for the Executive and balanced budget provisions. It also plans for a resolution of economic debt between the republics. Sustainability clauses and a family size limit provision is phased-in.

The UER starts out with just the landmasses of the USA and Russia. For the sake of clarity, the alternative name for the new nation will be the Union of Russian and American Republics. The merger of Russia and the USA is phased-in. It does not initially include free travel between the two republics, a merger of the two economies or a merger of the two militaries. China joins the UER at a later date. China's suffrage in the Legislature is phased-in because of the its larger population size. The goal is one-person, one vote in at least one house of the bicameral Legislature.

A primary goal of the UER is to cease the targeting of the population centers of the UER by the strategic nuclear arsenals of the UER. This change is phased-in. The UER is a pathway to a more peaceful nuclear weapons stance than that of the late 20th Century.
This is just an idea I am working on. It is long-term (i.e. beyond our lifetimes). I would appreciate any feedback.

The Union of Earth Republics

The Constitution of the new Union of Earth Republics (UER) is the foundational document for the merger of all Earth nations into a single nation. It has many of the features of the United States of America (USA) Constitution with its separation of powers, checks and balances and such. It includes three main branches of government: the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary branches. It is not exclusively Democratic since the Chinese republic remains Communist. The UER is a union of republics, somewhat like the way the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was.

The UER Constitution includes features not available in the USA Constitution. These features include an Equal Rights Amendment, term limits for the UER Legislature, line-item veto for the Executive and balanced budget provisions. It also plans for a resolution of economic debt between the republics. Sustainability clauses and a family size limit provision is phased-in.

The UER starts out with just the landmasses of the USA and Russia. For the sake of clarity, the alternative name for the new nation will be the Union of Russian and American Republics. The merger of Russia and the USA is phased-in. It does not initially include free travel between the two republics, a merger of the two economies or a merger of the two militaries. China joins the UER at a later date. China's suffrage in the Legislature is phased-in because of the its larger population size. The goal is one-person, one vote in at least one house of the bicameral Legislature.

A primary goal of the UER is to cease the targeting of the population centers of the UER by the strategic nuclear arsenals of the UER. This change is phased-in. The UER is a pathway to a more peaceful nuclear weapons stance than that of the late 20th Century.
Already been worked on.
Only bad things can occur in a union of nations (most of which aren't actually Republics) which would give representation to Marxist states, military dictatorships, kingdoms, and so forth.
The real driving force behind my idea is to move beyond the USA nuclear military doctrine of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD). Surely, Russia and the USA can move beyond targeting each other's population centers. I feel that the threat of nuclear war justifies significant change from the status quo. Sure, future generations deserve better than MAD as a basis for peace and stability. I have other ideas about sustainability that mostly deal with stabilizing world population.
The real driving force behind my idea is to move beyond the USA nuclear military doctrine of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD). Surely, Russia and the USA can move beyond targeting each other's population centers. I feel that the threat of nuclear war justifies significant change from the status quo. Sure, future generations deserve better than MAD as a basis for peace and stability. I have other ideas about sustainability that mostly deal with stabilizing world population.

imo, the world needs another serious war, with like 25% of the population being culled. We need a new great calling, we need a serious disturbance in reality. It's time for the coming renaissance.
If we are to survive as a species we are certainly going to have to get shot of the capitalist states, but simply imitating them on a world scale will be both impossible and, anyway, destructive.
The real driving force behind my idea is to move beyond the USA nuclear military doctrine of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD). Surely, Russia and the USA can move beyond targeting each other's population centers. I feel that the threat of nuclear war justifies significant change from the status quo. Sure, future generations deserve better than MAD as a basis for peace and stability. I have other ideas about sustainability that mostly deal with stabilizing world population.

The problem with trying to move beyond MAD is that you are relying on hope as a plan, which is never a good idea. A liberal democracy has to hope that an authoritarian or totalitarian regime will end its nuclear weapons program. What happens when all of our nukes are decommissioned, and Putin or Xinping still have one?
The problem with trying to move beyond MAD is that you are relying on hope as a plan, which is never a good idea. A liberal democracy has to hope that an authoritarian or totalitarian regime will end its nuclear weapons program. What happens when all of our nukes are decommissioned, and Putin or Xinping still have one?

We can survive one nuke
This is just an idea I am working on. It is long-term (i.e. beyond our lifetimes). I would appreciate any feedback.

The Union of Earth Republics

The Constitution of the new Union of Earth Republics (UER) is the foundational document for the merger of all Earth nations into a single nation. It has many of the features of the United States of America (USA) Constitution with its separation of powers, checks and balances and such. It includes three main branches of government: the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary branches. It is not exclusively Democratic since the Chinese republic remains Communist. The UER is a union of republics, somewhat like the way the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was.

The UER Constitution includes features not available in the USA Constitution. These features include an Equal Rights Amendment, term limits for the UER Legislature, line-item veto for the Executive and balanced budget provisions. It also plans for a resolution of economic debt between the republics. Sustainability clauses and a family size limit provision is phased-in.

The UER starts out with just the landmasses of the USA and Russia. For the sake of clarity, the alternative name for the new nation will be the Union of Russian and American Republics. The merger of Russia and the USA is phased-in. It does not initially include free travel between the two republics, a merger of the two economies or a merger of the two militaries. China joins the UER at a later date. China's suffrage in the Legislature is phased-in because of the its larger population size. The goal is one-person, one vote in at least one house of the bicameral Legislature.

A primary goal of the UER is to cease the targeting of the population centers of the UER by the strategic nuclear arsenals of the UER. This change is phased-in. The UER is a pathway to a more peaceful nuclear weapons stance than that of the late 20th Century.

Here's my feedback.
**** off with this stupid ****.
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I hope this request is not a problem: I would like some constructive feedback for my idea. You know, something more than just negative one-liners. Please.