United Nations National Convention


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I did not watch one minute of the 2020 Democrat National Convention, but I did catch some of it on Tucker Carlson:

and twice on Laura Ingraham.




Obviously, Democrat’s cannot provide the real details. On the other hand, Socialists/Communists are not the least bit shy about telling the public about all the free stuff and open borders in Biden’s platform, but as far as I know not one of them ever mentions handing this country’s sovereignty to the United Nations, nor does one article or a news show point out that the U.N. is pulling the strings in a last ditch effort to elect another U.N.-loving traitor.

I do not have to listen to the freaks and the parasites to know that everything they say is meaningless compared to 2 former secretaries of state praising Senile Joe Biden for the New World Order Crowd.

Democrats were taking orders from the New World Order crowd as far back as 1913. There would be no AMERICANS today had the U.S. become a member state in the League of Nations in 1920.


In the bizarre world Powell and Kerry live in their endorsements guarantees the presidency for Kamala Harris:

Colin Powell: "I support Joe Biden for the presidency of the United States"

From CNN's Arlette Saenz

Democratic convention organizers released an excerpt of remarks from former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell that will be delivered at tonight’s convention.

He praises Joe Biden’s values, saying, “We need to restore those values to the White House.” [UNITED NATIONS VALUES]

"I support Joe Biden for the presidency of the United States," Powell says in an excerpt of his remarks.

Powell is the latest Republican to speak in favor of the presumptive Democratic nominee. He said in June that he'd vote for Biden in the 2020 presidential election, choosing again not to vote for Donald Trump for president.


Former Secretary of State John Kerry will uphold Joe Biden's "moral compass" and decry Trump as a person who is only "interested in defending is himself.”

“Joe’s moral compass [UNITED NATIONS TAX DOLLAR MORALITY] has always pointed in the right direction, from the fight to break the back of apartheid to the struggle to wake up the world to genocide in the Balkans. Joe understands that none of the issues of this world—not nuclear weapons, not the challenge of building back better after COVID, not terrorism and certainly not the climate crisis—none can be resolved without bringing nations together," Kerry will say, according to speech excerpts.

Democratic National Convention 2020: Day 2
By Melissa Macaya, Kyle Blaine and Jessica Estepa, CNN
Updated 12:35 AM ET, Wed August 19, 2020

. . . the U.N. is pulling the strings in a last ditch effort to elect another U.N.-loving traitor.

Brain dead Joe Biden is the U.N.’s last best hope of governing the American people with another spiritual leader —— à la Barack Obama:

The DNC's stirring eulogy for Joe Biden
Matthew Walther
August 21, 2020


NOTE: Biden is holding the seat for:



Never forget that if United Nations bureaucrats had the authority during the Vietnam War —— a war the U.N. opposed —— they would have given North Vietnam nuclear weapons with the help of private citizen John Kerry and his sponsors in the Congress. My point: Former Secretary of State John Kerry and Obama gave nuclear weapons to Iran on orders from the United Nations:

It took approximately 20 seconds for former Secretary of State John Kerry to drop the first flagrant lie in his Democratic National Convention speech, when he claimed that the Obama administration’s so-called Iran deal had “eliminated the threat of an Iran with a nuclear weapon.” It didn’t get any better from there.

Kerry knows well that sunset provisions in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action provided Iran’s government with a pathway to building nuclear weapons in a few years. He knows well that Israel uncovered a giant cache of documents with instructions on how to jumpstart a program to build a nuclear arsenal, which undermined both the spirit and the rationale of the nonproliferation agreement Iran signed. He knows that Iran was developing ballistic-missile programs.

Kerry’s big accomplishment was to destroy a sanctions program that was working, thereby saving the Islamic Republic from economic ruin. This allowed the Islamist government to strengthen its proxies in Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories, Yemen and Iraq.

Now Kerry says Trump “doesn’t know how to defend the troops”? Well, I’m not sure that the man who oversaw the billions in direct cash payments to a government that had a hand in murdering and maiming hundreds of American troops has the moral authority to level that criticism.

Kerry himself acknowledged that sanctions relief would likely end up in the coffers of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard — now a designated terror group.

Surely, then, he knew that the pallets of euros and Swiss francs he was shipping to Tehran in an unmarked cargo plane would also find their way to the groups triggering conflicts across the Middle East — not to mention subjugating people at home.

While many argued for a maximum-pressure campaign against the Islamic Republic, Kerry preferred the no-pressure route. The Iran deal, in fact, often seemed to be the Obama administration’s top obsession.

A one government world administered by the United Nations is the obsession.

Nothing would stand in the way. And while the media echo chamber was misleading the public at home, Kerry was placating Russia and allowing a humanitarian disaster to unfold in Syria in an effort to save the deal.

Around the time the Obama administration was chasing an Iran deal, the Syrian government, backed by the Islamic Republic, was crossing the president’s “red line” and gassing civilians. Even when the United States began funding rebel forces in Syria, the administration reportedly wouldn’t allow Iran’s ally to be touched.

When pressed on the matter by some Syrian civil-society workers in London, then-Secretary Kerry snapped, “What do you want me to do, go to war with Russia?” Obama officials — led by Kerry — long peddled this false choice: the Iran deal or war. Well, we are no longer a party to the Iran deal, and there is no war.

Kerry would continue to entertain Iranian officials even after he was out of government. When Trump ordered a drone strike on terrorist Qassem Soleimani, a man who masterminded the killing of American soldiers and thousands of Iraqi civilians, Kerry said the world was in “no way at all” safer and claimed that Trump was risking an “outright war.”

Kerry was wrong about Iran. Kerry was also wrong about Israel. When the US embassy was about to be moved to Jerusalem, Kerry warned it would lead to “an explosion” in the Middle East — more specifically, “an absolute explosion in the region, not just in the West Bank and perhaps even in Israel itself, but throughout the region.”

Moreover, Kerry declared, it would have serious and negative repercussions on relations between Israel and the Arab world, making peace far less likely.

Of course, outside of some typical Palestinian noise, the opposite has happened. Only recently, Israel and the United Arab Emirates agreed to a historic deal that normalized relations between them. Other Arab Gulf states are expected to join the UAE, though it is well-known that many of them already have clandestine working relationships with Israel.

This week, Sudan, the third-largest Arab nation, announced it was close to reaching its own peace deal with the Jewish state.

All of this seems pretty significant. It would surely have been massive news if the Obama administration had helped forge the pacts. Right now, though, Obama has one more Nobel Prize than he does a peace agreement.

And time keeps proving John Kerry wrong.

John Kerry’s just mad that Trump’s foreign policy is working far better than his
By David Harsanyi
August 21, 2020 | 8:55pm


President Reagan’s U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations famously said:

If this body feels that the United States no longer serves the purposes of the United Nations, then maybe it is time that the United Nations find a new home. I for one will be happy to stand on the pier and wave goodbye as you all sail off into the sunset. Jeanne Kirkpatrick

It was ludicrous for President Trump to give his first US Ambassador to the United Nations face time at the RNC. It got worse the minute Haley took the stage in the theater of the absurd when she opened her speech by citing Ms. Kirkpatrick:

Good evening. It is great to be back at the Republican National Convention.

I'll start with a little story. It's about an American Ambassador to the United Nations. And it's about a speech she gave to this convention. She called for the re-election of the Republican President she served... And she called out his Democratic opponent... a former vice president from a failed administration.

That ambassador said, and I quote, "Democrats always blame America first." The year was 1984. The president was Ronald Reagan. And Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick's words are just as true today.

It is influentially powerful U.N.-loving termites who are incrementally handing over this country’s sovereignty to United Nations governance. Those traitors are the United Nations —— not United Nations bureaucrats —— Nikki Haley is their handmaiden alongside DEMOCRATS Suzy Five Shows and Samantha Power.

Note that Haley continued with a few facts about Senile Joe Biden, Obama, and Democrats —— followed by Trump’s daily ration of rah-rah bullshit that does nothing to pass:

Text: H.R.204 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)



Joe Biden and the Democrats are still blaming America first. Donald Trump has always put America first. He has earned four more years as President.

It was an honor of a lifetime to serve as the United States ambassador to the United Nations. Now, the U.N. is not for the faint of heart. It's a place where dictators-murderers-&-thieves denounce America... and then put their hands out and demand that we pay their bills.

Well, President Trump put an end to all that. With his leadership, we did what Barack Obama and Joe Biden refused to do. We stood up for America... and we stood against our enemies.

Obama and Biden let North Korea threaten America. President Trump rejected that weakness, and we passed the toughest sanctions on North Korea in history.

Obama and Biden let Iran get away with murder and literally sent them a plane full of cash. President Trump did the right thing and ripped up the Iran nuclear deal.

Obama and Biden led the United Nations to denounce our friend and ally, Israel. President Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem -- and when the U.N. tried to condemn us, I was proud to cast the American veto.

This President has a record of strength and success. The former Vice President has a record of weakness and failure. Joe Biden is good for Iran and ISIS... great for Communist China...

A permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council makes Communist China the U.N.’s biggest supporter —— outside our own swamp creatures:

and he's a godsend to everyone who wants America to apologize, abstain, and abandon our values.

Obviously, Haley did not get memo. Cite the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights like a good little Democrat whenever you refer to “our values.”

Donald Trump takes a different approach. He's tough on China, and he took on ISIS and won. And he tells the world what it needs to hear.

At home, the President is the clear choice on jobs and the economy. He's moved America forward, while Joe Biden held America back.

When Joe was VP, I was governor of the great state of South Carolina. We had a pretty good run. Manufacturers of all kinds flocked to our state from overseas, creating tens of thousands of American jobs. People were referring to South Carolina as "the beast of the southeast," which I loved.

Everything we did happened in spite of Joe Biden and his old boss.

We cut taxes. They raised them. We slashed red tape. They piled on more mandates.

And when we brought in good-paying jobs, Biden and Obama sued us. I fought back... and they gave up.

A Biden-Harris administration would be much, much worse. Last time, Joe's boss was Obama... this time, it would be Pelosi, Sanders, and the Squad. Their vision for America is socialism. And we know that socialism has failed everywhere.

They want to tell Americans how to live... and what to think. They want a government takeover of health care. They want to ban fracking and kill millions of jobs. They want massive tax hikes on working families.

Joe Biden and the socialist left would be a disaster for our economy. But President Trump is leading a new era of opportunity.

Before Communist China gave us the coronavirus, we were breaking economic records left and right. The pandemic has set us back, but not for long. President Trump brought our economy back before, and he will bring it back again.

There's one more important area where our President is right. He knows that political correctness and "cancel culture" are dangerous and just plain wrong.

In much of the Democratic Party, it's now fashionable to say that America is racist. That is a lie. America is not a racist country.

This is personal for me. I am the proud daughter of Indian immigrants. They came to America and settled in a small southern town. My father wore a turban. My mother wore a sari. I was a brown girl in a black and white world.

We faced discrimination and hardship. But my parents never gave in to grievance and hate. My mom built a successful business. My dad taught 30 years at a historically black college. And the people of South Carolina chose me as their first minority and first female governor.

America is a story that's a work in progress. Now is the time to build on that progress, and make America even freer, fairer, and better for everyone. That's why it's tragic to see so much of the Democratic Party turn a blind eye toward riots and rage.

The American people know we can do better. And of course we know that every single black life is valuable.

The black cops who've been shot in the line of duty -- they matter. The black small business owners who've watched their life's work go up in flames -- they matter. The black kids who've been gunned down on the playground -- their lives matter too. And their lives are being ruined and stolen by the violence on our streets.

It doesn't have to be like this. It wasn't like this in South Carolina five years ago.

Our state came face-to-face with evil. A white supremacist walked into Mother Emanuel Church during Bible Study. Twelve African Americans pulled up a chair and prayed with him for an hour. Then he began to shoot.

After that horrific tragedy, we didn't turn against each other. We came together -- black and white, Democrat and Republican. Together, we made the hard choices needed to heal -- and removed a divisive symbol, peacefully and respectfully.

What happened then should give us hope now. America isn't perfect. But the principles we hold dear are perfect. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that even on our worst day, we are blessed to live in America.

It's time to keep that blessing alive for the next generation. This President, and this Party, are committed to that noble task.

We seek a nation that rises together, not falls apart in anarchy and anger. We know that the only way to overcome America's challenges is to embrace America's strengths.

We are striving to reach a brighter future...

Where every child goes to a world-class school, chosen by their parents...

Where every family lives in a safe community with good jobs...

Where every entrepreneur has the freedom to achieve and inspire...

Where every believer can worship without fear and every life is protected...

Where every girl and boy, every woman and man, of every race and religion, has the best shot at the best life.

In this election, we must choose the only candidate who has and who will continue delivering on that vision.

President Trump and Vice President Pence have my support.

And America has our promise. We will build on the progress of our past and unlock the promise of our future. That future starts when the American people re-elect President Donald Trump.

Thank you. Good night. And may God always bless America.

Transcript: Nikki Haley's RNC speech
Updated 10:28 PM ET, Mon August 24, 2020


Let me close with a reminder of then-South Carolina’s governor:

To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.

In the interest of full disclosure I objected to then-Governor Haley’s rising star image long before Trump made her U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.

Let me clarify my objection. Then-Governor Haley came out of the United Nations closet in 2015. She made a lot of noise about a few dozen Gitmo prisoners —— then she supported a policy that forced Americans to accept, and support, hundreds of thousands of United Nations refugees.

Haley’s support for the United Nations contributed mightily to her rising star persona in the media:

Nikki Haley, South Carolina’s Republican governor, came out last Thursday and blasted possible White House plans to bring Guantanamo Bay prisoners to her state.


“We are absolutely drawing a line that we are not going to allow any terrorist to come into South Carolina,” Haley said. “We are not going to allow that kind of threat, we are not going to allow that kind of character to come in.

Haley’s star quality quickly burned out. One look and you saw that Governor Haley was another Republican who was either stupid, or afraid to offend the New World Order crowd, or she simply agreed with giving the United Nations immigration authority over her state:

Yet, at the same time she was drawing a red line against Gitmo terrorists who would stay locked in a brig off the coast of Charleston, Haley was opening her arms wide to welcome “refugees” from jihadist strongholds in the Middle East and Africa.

In addition to taking in United Nations economic refugees Governor Haley had no problem with American parasites being paid tax dollars to implement a United Nations program:

World Relief, an evangelical aid agency that gets paid by the federal government to resettle refugees in the U.S. from places like Somalia and Syria, hatched plans more than a year ago to add Spartanburg, South Carolina, to the list of more than 190 U.S. cities receiving foreign refugees.

What the hell was the difference between enemy combatants from Gitmo who got caught, and those enemy soldiers the United Nations planted in this country for the same reason Johnny Appleseed planted apple trees —— take root and multiply.

As WND has reported in a series of more than 35 articles over the past year, the refugee program has been fraught with problems. Chief among them has been young men entering the U.S. as refugees and turning out to be terrorists.


According to information supplied recently by Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., at least 72 cases have been documented in just the past year of Muslim immigrants becoming involved in terrorist activity.

Anybody interested in learning more about how the United Nations gets into our domestic affairs you can start with South Carolina. Former SENATOR, and longtime traitor, John Kerry pops up in the article:

Kerry sent one of his top lieutenants to Spartanburg earlier this week to try to quell the uprising.

Nikki Haley welcomes Muslim refugees
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 08/28/2015 @ 8:23 pm


Trump will never do anything that angers the United Nations crowd. Giving Nikki Haley the authority to talk tough for public consumption angered nobody because her talk was meaningless.


Undermining sanctions is a far cry from undermining the United Nations itself:

Russia and China Undermine U.N. Reporting on North Korea Sanction Dodging, Analysis Finds
Jack Beyrer
October 30, 2020 6:30 PM


It will be a cold day in hell before China, or Russia, weaken the U.N.’s grip on national sovereignty for any country except China and Russia.
To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.

In the interest of full disclosure I objected to then-Governor Haley’s rising star image long before Trump made her U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.​

No great loss for Trump here:

Nikki Haley splits with Donald Trump: 'He let us down'
Seth McLaughlin
By Seth McLaughlin
Friday, February 12, 2021
