United States will be a majority minority country, no matter how loudly the MAGA cry

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Within our lifetime, the United States will be a majority minority country, no matter how loudly the MAGA crowd shouts

As difficult as it might be for some recalcitrant Americans to believe or embrace — Trumpsters, listen up, this column is especially for you — the United States is in the midst of a profound and irreversible demographic shift.

Two dramatic changes in the nation’s population are occurring simultaneously: we’re getting older, and more racially diverse, according to a U.S. Census Bureau tip sheet released last week. Census figures show that fewer than 17 percent of U.S. counties reported a decrease in median age from April 2010 to July 2017, with the majority of those counties clustered in the Midwest. Nationally, the median age rose to 38.0 years in 2017, up from 37.2 years in 2000.

Within our lifetime, the United States will be a majority minority country, no matter how loudly the MAGA crowd shouts

As difficult as it might be for some recalcitrant Americans to believe or embrace — Trumpsters, listen up, this column is especially for you — the United States is in the midst of a profound and irreversible demographic shift.

Two dramatic changes in the nation’s population are occurring simultaneously: we’re getting older, and more racially diverse, according to a U.S. Census Bureau tip sheet released last week. Census figures show that fewer than 17 percent of U.S. counties reported a decrease in median age from April 2010 to July 2017, with the majority of those counties clustered in the Midwest. Nationally, the median age rose to 38.0 years in 2017, up from 37.2 years in 2000.


Where are the Jews going to live when this happens?
Within our lifetime, the United States will be a majority minority country, no matter how loudly the MAGA crowd shouts

As difficult as it might be for some recalcitrant Americans to believe or embrace — Trumpsters, listen up, this column is especially for you — the United States is in the midst of a profound and irreversible demographic shift.

Two dramatic changes in the nation’s population are occurring simultaneously: we’re getting older, and more racially diverse, according to a U.S. Census Bureau tip sheet released last week. Census figures show that fewer than 17 percent of U.S. counties reported a decrease in median age from April 2010 to July 2017, with the majority of those counties clustered in the Midwest. Nationally, the median age rose to 38.0 years in 2017, up from 37.2 years in 2000.


You won't live to see your "dream"...maybe 4 or 5 generations from now, but that's even doubtful....sorry....
Within our lifetime, the United States will be a majority minority country, no matter how loudly the MAGA crowd shouts

Ha, ha, ha!!!!! Your thread's title insinuates that a majority of minorities will make America something other than "Great Again," no matter how much the Make america Great Again folks disagree. Apparently your a bleeping racist, huh?
Blacks need to treat the Hispanics better since they'll be the majority because the Democrats have convinced that blacks need to have abortions on demand. They even make the taxpayers pay for their genocide.
Actually, Hispanics and Asians love American capitalism, that's why they come to America. Many blacks also today have discovered the Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton scam and are leaving the slave quarters inner city ghettos and fending for themselves shedding the slave victim lie and discovering the rewards of capitalism. Most of all 3 of those minority folks will likely become Republicans. So actually the arrogant cheer-leading of the OP is misplaced if the author believes Democrats i.e. socialist will prosper from the rise of minorities who seek the American dream.